How to make war cool

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

Talk about dangers and the need for security; use sophisticated linguistic legerdemain to compel the rest of us to beg for war.

With other towns and cities abroad, the same methods of influence can be deployed.

How do you gain support for your cause?

Sell it. Make it cool. Demonize the other's.

Hire the best faces to use the latest tech to blow the enemy to smithereens on big screens in a theatre near you.

The crowds of people will sit in popcorn and filth, their faces bathed in a blueish haze, with eyes glazed and slack jaws.

A boy in the front smiles when a terrorist's head is blown off.

80% fresh on RT.


by @skypal


Yep. Doesn't mean we can't change. Monkey see, monkey do. does mean we cannot change.
like I said...
it's hardwired into the brain.

there is US (who we think of as human)
and there is THEM(, who are OTHER, not US)
different protocols apply to THEM

Well, if you believe you can't change then you won't ever find out if you can change.

tell you what..
climb up on the roof...
flap your arms REALLY hard..
and if you BELIEVE
then you can fly.

birds do it..
how hard can it be?

You're the one who believes that we can't change.

nope..I didn't say that.

better a bottle in front of me
than a frontal lobotomy

do you really want to change?
lobotomies change the wiring.

that said...
sure we can change..
but NOT by just wishing really hard.

you want to fly?
build an airplane

you want to change the hardwiring?
Neural Lace

Lol. better a bottle. I mean, you say it's hardwired into our brain, that we cannot change our brain. That is your belief, isn't it?

Yeah indeed, we are living in a world of propaganda. And it really messed my life up in a major way. I have one unique life story, dropped out of college to make a lot of money overseas at age twenty only to squander it all due to what I was taught by the TV and my cultural surroundings. Maybe you'd be kind enough to read about it.

Just upvoted and followed you.

Please have a look I think you'd enjoy. - Daniel "World Travel Pro"

You're not alone. I was also in my early/mid twenties when the consequences of my illusions hit me.

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