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RE: 5 Minute Freewrite (Poetry) - Twilight Loss

in #poetry5 years ago

Hi Carol :-)

I'm so glad you enjoyed the poem... it came from a place of deep loss. It's hard sometimes to open yourself up like that in writing, but that's the beauty of the 5 min freewrite for me. Often good stuff comes out through the whole process of not editing, either psychologically or stylistically. Lol, although this poem did undergo an extra 5 minutes of me tightening up the verse structure and checking the punctuation ;-)

how exciting that you're working on more fantasy fiction! Good for you but sad for us that As I get deeper into the process of writing this novel, I may disappear from steem for a time.

Yeah, writing a full fantasy trilogy is one hell of an undertaking and, I believe, the only way to create a worthwhile fantasy work is to completely immerse yourself in the world you create. I am lucky that I have already written over 40000 words of sub-creation for the world I plan to write in, including political make up, history, legends, religions, magic system and unique races that live in the three kingdoms. I have done a local (to the part of the world where the story will be set) map and am half way through a full global world map. But I'm afraid steem isn't the best for me as a writer with a plan to write a novel... it causes a huge pull on my nature to procrastinate and distracts me. I'm not really very good at holding my focus, so my best option is to leave myself no choice but to disappear into that sub-creation while I write and stay away from anything that distracts me.

Much like the terminator.... I'll be back.... eventually.... to promote the book 😆


You are wise!
"I'm afraid steem isn't the best for me as a writer with a plan to write a novel... it causes a huge pull on my nature to procrastinate and distracts me. I'm not really very good at holding my focus, so my best option is to leave myself no choice but to disappear into that sub-creation while I write and stay away from anything that distracts me. Much like the terminator.... I'll be back."
I've allowed Steemit to consume too much of my time - busy work, reading-commenting-upvoting-resteeming-TwitterSharing. If you need a beta reader, though, you know I'm here! Good Luck!!

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