Redacted Suns, Blackout Poetry, Day 67 of the 100 Days of Poetry @d-pend

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Redacted Suns

solar-eclipse-1116853_1280 (1).jpg

high pressure
plumes escaping
sparkled systems

she's venting

bubble surface
prisoner hollow
parabolic bridge
articulated arms


puddles coalesced
cluster encounter
elongating a diving bell

ominous parasites
encountered mechanism
broke the seal
disengaging ghosts
molten silver

Image attribution

Redacted Suns is copyright Pryde Foltz


This a black out poem. I got the idea from @girlbeforemirror who got it from @japhofin8or. Take an extended piece of writing an article or a page from a novel and black out almost all but a few chosen words. I was quite surprised with the effect obtained from this process. A poem did write itself. The wonderful thing about this approach to poetry writing is anyone can do it. So it's Friday and good day for poetry. Go vandalize a book and write a poem and then share it with Friday Poet's.

Taken from Scattered Suns by KJ Anderson


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Hi Pryde. I saw your comment in @girlbeforemirror's feed and figured you'd jump on this. It's a very creative idea. I love what you did with it.

Thanks, Quill. It is surprising how it turned out, isn't it? Did you write a poem today ... maybe you want to post it here ...

I'm going to have to try that. ;-)

It was so worth it:)

I think I found my new motto "Go vandalize a book and write a poem", yea this is a interesting take on the cut up method, always fun and interesting when you throw some chaos magic into the mix!

I think the mind subconsciously picks a theme and tells a story. I was quite surprised with how it turned out:)


I love how compact and dense this is, almost like a pearl being formed, or the pressure that creates a star or something i dont know i forget science, I am just a poet ! : ) Great way to create a poem , too!

Thank you, dflo. So funny ... I was working on my poem for tomorrow ... if you get the chance pop in an see it ... it's like your comment turned into a poem. Odd synchronicity:)

That seems to happen a lot around these parts! looking forward to it :)

Yay. This is cool. Resteemed of course 😊

So glad you liked it. I think this might be my new favorite way to compose poetry, at least, as a starting point. Thanks so much for turning me onto it:)

This is awesome! I'm glad that others in the community are trying this. Thanks for mentioning me in your post. It is truly appreciated!

Thank you, Japho. I owe you a debt of gratitude. I am so thankful for being turned onto this method of inspiration. It seems now the muses are always at my fingertips:)I have just begun a Friday poetry exchange; I hope perhaps next week you might join us:)

Great idea! Reminds me of a creative method I came up with on my own; do the same thing with songs... you take a line from a song you like... and another line from another song.. poetry emerges - another song - another dance.

Thank you, gzen. I have used that method for short story writing but now for poetry. Love how we can build on each other's creativity. I have just begun a Friday poetry exchange; I hope perhaps next week you might join us:)

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