D'Lion, Day 45 of the 100 Days of Poetry, @d-pend

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)


Some wordplay in defence of the humble dandelion and environmental health.

2017-12-11-16-04-23-1200x800 (1).jpg

weed …
only to those
not in the know
come, don’t y’all see
I endeavour to grow
sooner than early

don’t bother me
nor a brisk breeze
a brighter outlook …
and I avoid the freeze
yellow is sunny

my leafy greens
in tossed salad
make your complexion
brighter and less pallid
your frame, less girly

pumps up
your iron

sizzles my head
fried and battered
to man or to bee
on a veggie platter
taste me, I’m yummy

is delicious

I know I must
I am too much
it’s only crowd control
my last meal ... make it lunch
no toxicity please

dandelion-2561575_1280 (1).jpg

from the sky, like manna
dandelions are feed, not weeds


Photo Attribution

Photo 1

Photo 2

D'Lion is copyright Pryde Foltz


Link to contest page ...https://steemit.com/steemitschool/@d-pend/announcing-the-steemit-school-poetry-100-day-challenge
Join the steemit school on discord https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n


I like the way you end your poetry. The words stuck in my head

Thank you, anggreklestari:)

Oh man, I missed the payout period on this. That's a great tribute to the dandelion. There's so much about dandelions that are wonderful. If only folks got to know them better! Enjoy your dandelions -- and lunch! :D

Thank you, HH. but no, you didn't miss the pay out. It is in 4 hours:)

We can't upvote anything within the last 12 hours of the payout period. But I can upvote your comment! :D

Oh really ... I didn't know that. Good to know. I appreciate your support in anyway you give it, HH:) Sending love:)

You've left me both hungry and smiling from the rhythm haha. I've got loads in my garden and normally just uproot them but might have to think twice now...

I like that there's enjambment between 1st and 2nd stanzas - even if it wasn't intentional, it's like the voice is overflowing with desire to share their numerous virtues :)

Thanks, Lazarus. I pay close attention to how a piece looks on a page and so I use enjambment a lot. Glad you noticed the rhythm. I was trying to get the dandelion rapping:)

Every day we learn something new. I did not know it was edible. Greetings prydefoltz

They are indeed. I have it on good authority that the heads are good deep-fried. Personally, I am fan of the greens:)

Wait, you mean i will lose my girlish figure? lol

Not judging ... lol:)

I enjoyed your playful defense of the humbl weed — I never understood why folks discriminated, they’re as lovely as flowers to me, too, and more versatile, as you show 👌🏼

Thank you, Yahia:) I suppose it is part of natural selection that we spurn what is seen as too common but really they are a gift:)

what a beautiful poem, sharing it on twitter

Thank you, Sayee:)

That's right, that is good eatin! ;)

Yum. Thanks, Paul:)

A great use of poetry as a gentle reminder on the value of dandelions. You left out dandelion fritters – an actual thing, especially in the South. Even Martha Stewart offers a recipe for them. Of course, most yards have so much chemical weed killers and fertilizers on them that I wouldn’t think dandelions from the yard would be safe as ingredients.

Thank you, Denise. Maybe if we understood what a plentiful source of food they could be, we might stop with the chemicals and let the pastures get golden:)

Blessed nature! Good job and excellent teaching, Pryde.

Thank you, zeleira:)

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