My Demons

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)


There he stands in the darkness
Waiting for the chance to pounce
Making sure no one hears
Him creeping around the house
In the shadows of my room
Is where you lived and thrived
And in those dark shadows
Is where my innocence died
Eventually I managed to learn
To find solace inside my mind
I found my personal paradise
One that you'll never find
You had control for a while
Even my mother couldn't resist
She was blinded by the charms
That came from your narrow lips
Your blood flows through my veins
But I promise to break the mold
I can not allow your venom
To envelop me and take hold
I became a maven
At hiding all that was me
I could never show how broken I was
That part of me you will never see
The time finally came
To face the monster under my bed
But something more galling than that
Fighting the demons in my head
You really did a number on me
And I've fought hard to overcome
The demons that still linger
I will conquer them, one by one
So do what you will
Just remember this one thing
You can't hurt me anymore
This Bee packs a hell of a sting
It has been difficult
And I wish this was all just a fable
But I think I've finally beat the monster
That used to sit at the head of the table

Thanks for stopping by! If you enjoyed please comment, follow, upvote, and resteem.


Wow, I am glad I found your post through the @asapers post! I understand the horrors that life can deal, and from the looks of it you are pushing through and although these horrible things whatever they were have obviously made you who you are!

This Bee packs a hell of a sting

This line here, definitely shows you are strong, and ready to completely release those demons, so to speak! I do not know you, but I know that when we stand strong against the evils of our past the "enemy" always falls. Good for you for taking that step to being and even better you! Good luck in all your steemit dreams, as well as all the dreams you have in life!

Thank you so much for your heartfelt comment. It certainly wasn't an easy step to take, and being able to put my writings out there and have people read them, it's been a bit scary but the responses I've gotten have been so supportive and uplifting. I firmly believe that it's our struggles that make us, and I agree with you... when we stand together we are powerful. I wish the best of luck to you as well, you have gained a new follower, although I kinda prefer the word friend!! I'll see you around @charisma777... I'm looking forward to getting to know you better!

This was chilling and heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing a piece of you with us through your poetry. I look forward to reading more of your work, possibly something about how you overcame the demons.

Thank you @coachjj... I definitely want to write a piece about how I've overcome everything. I want to show people that no matter how bad things are, the human spirit is strong, and we all have the ability to conquer our own demons, we all have them in one form or another. Thank you so much for reading!

good article . If you follow me, I'll be happy.Thanks :)

You watch too many Horror movies. lol cool poem

Lol, the horrors of life, baby, thank you 👄

Wow!!!! Real life can sometimes be worse than nightmares 😔

Absolutely, I've been writing poems and stories through everything, and I have to admit I'm quite nervous to put my stuff out there.

Yes, good to see you channel those feelings into something positive. Looking forward to more.

Thank you. I am learning to share, I've kept this to myself for so long. I never thought that someone out there would want to read my thoughts. It's starting to feel empowering.

I can imagine. I can't speak for everyone but I appreciate the power that you have with your words now! And im proud of you for using them to slay your demon.🤺 I guess he should have chosen a different Bee 🐝

I am speechless!! From the bottom of my heart... Thank You!!

Congratulations @monchhichi23, your post has been selected by the @asapers for a resteem and a feature in our brand new curation post. Issue 8

What does this mean for you? Well first an upvote from some members of the team, we are no @curie but who is going to be unhappy with some extra upvotes. Second each post featured in the article will receive a 10% share of the curation post.

Keep up the great work and please consider supporting the @asapers with a follow and an upvote on the post you feature in. Please wait seven days for payout.

Your friendly @asapers

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Wow!! I'm so honored to featured in your curation post!! What an awesome feeling to see my poem in there! You just put the biggest smile on my face!! Thank you @asapers!!!

I am glad you got a smile today @monchhichi23, have a great weekend!

If I could hug that little girl and tell her everything will be okay, I would. Such a deep and courageous poem about taking back your power, @monchhichi23 I love you all the more for sharing this xo

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