Objective Pronouns (An Original Poem)

in #poetry7 years ago

We all have pet peeves, right? For some, it's people that smack when they chew. For others, it might be that annoying dude at work that whistles everywhere he goes and you find yourself whistling too. For others, it might be the stuff that people say. That's where I was at when I wrote this.

Objective Pronouns

Sometimes I should be me
Especially when we should be us
When people state otherwise
It makes me want to cuss

Perhaps they know no better
They're just repeating what they've heard
And letting it get me so upset
Is really quite absurd

But when police come search our objects
You and I, they'll never see
We'll laugh when we tell them
There's only you and me

So my pet peeve is a grammatical one. I'm not a stickler for all grammar. In fact, I'm sure I made some grammatical mistakes within this post. However, I still have to stop myself every time someone uses the word "I" as an objective pronoun. For example, if it is a picture of us, it is a picture of her and me, not her and I. If someone is talking to the two of us, they are not talking him and I, they are talk with him and me.

The first two lines make up a little phrase I made up to help a friend remember. Basically, it's saying if you would use "us" in the sentence, then you should use "me" to refer to yourself. Anyway, I'll get off of my pretentious soapbox now.

Do you have any pet peeves that make your brain hurt when they perhaps shouldn't? Let me know in the comments

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This is a really quirky poem! Love it!! Spelling errors are one of my pet peeves, but it turns out autocorrect automatically humbles me if I don't catch it first! 😂 Like when it turns its to it's.

Ha! I swear autocorrect makes me stupider. Thanks for the comment!

Now, that's a fun piece.

For some, it's people that smack when they chew.

Haha, that's me. Trying to stop it though. Just that when the meal feels too good, I just forget to watch my mouth.

I like how you address the topic with the first line

Sometimes I should be me

Kinda gives it the humble appeal look. Like we're all in this together. Like its a universal struggle we all deal with. And don't we all?

But when police come search our objects
You and I, they'll never see
We'll laugh when we tell them
There's only you and me

The 'our objects', is that a play on words? Like referring to objective pronouns? Looks like it though

Thanks for sharing


Yeah, objects are in terms of sentence structure and the police are the grammar police. Thanks for stopping by. How have you been, Gray?

Good, I think.

I'm great on Steemit but stressed out in real life. Work plies up by the day.

Hope you're good

[it is a picture of her and me, not her and I]
but if we are looking at the picture together,
She and I might have something
To say about it. 😜

PS upvoted

Exactly! We are the subjects, but sometimes that makes objects of us. Ok that doesn't make any sense. Thanks for your comment.

You're welcome @moeknows. Gave this comment my 100% upvote! ♥

Lol. That smacking of lips while chewing gets on my nerves a whole lot. Gawd... Then scraping the sole of your slippers when walking, like you can't lift your feet off the ground, really? Lol.

Someone singing with a bad voice while I am reading... That's another one. Lol

Lol, it's crazy how much these things bother us, but they do! Thanks for stopping by.

I like that not only did you bring up a grammatical problem and humorously address it with your cleverly crafted poem, but you also provided a solution for people who make the mistake to help everyone move forward.

Criticism without direction is a soapbox, criticism with direction is a potential solution.

Lol, yeah you're probably right. I try to provide solutions when I complain...unless I'm feeling lazy. Thank you for the compliment. I appreciate you stopping by.

That is a really great example of grammar in a poem. I am really bad at that. Well I mean I am good at grammar, I just am super lazy and don't care.

That was a cleaver way to go about addressing your pet peeve.

Haha! Reminds me of one my father's favorite sayings: Never use a preposition to end a sentence with.

LOL. Yep, that's true. That's a difficult one to follow as well because really sounds alien to the manner in which most people talk.

Bueno es interesante la idea, la poesía es para compartir... Un saludo desde Venezuela.

Gracias. Yo no se como se traduce esto. Es de mal idioma. No palabras malas pero hablando incorectamente.

¿Me entiendes?

Si un poco creo captar la idea

We like this very much, all of they and we.

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