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RE: P:Poet - All the things I’m not.

in #poetry6 years ago

I read somewhere that poems are works of art not accompanied by music.

A musical tone on your words.

Depression is a topic that weighs heavily on me. I have been battling it for a good part of the year and it is not easy. Writing does help in brinhing forth a cathartic release.


It's interesting that you, as well as a few others, have noticed the rhythmic quality to this poem; I am actually a musician professionally, so perhaps it's my musicality bleeding through. shrugs

I'm happy that you enjoyed the poem. I completely agree with the concept of catharsis within artistic expression; music helped me immensely when I was struggling. It's an appalling place to be, I can only hope that you have a community of friends and family around you to help you through - don't shut yourself away.

I'll be putting out some more poetry (hopingly) this weekend but, for now, thanks again for reading.

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