in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Image source: Pixabay

Your child's mind is unstoppable,
it has no fences, rules or barriers,
it knows no limitations or boundaries.

Don’t trap him in a cage,
each time you cut his wings,
he’s losing faith and self-esteem.

Don’t tell him he was not born to fly,
encourage him, provide the props
to build his wings, be the air beneath them.

Don’t kill his dreams and hopes,
that things will get better, that he’d
find his own way to deal with life and sorrow.

A child’s mind is filled with love,
absorbing as a sponge whatever flows or spills
from you. Show love not respect, that will come after.

A child's mind is the first poem from Tales of a moody heart, my latest poetry collection. This poem talks about how a parent's affection can shape a child's chance to happiness in life. When you spend more time teaching love than teaching rules, you ensure your child develops a great array of skills.

If you want to earn the respect of your child, you need to respect him and his opinions, show consistency in your acts, listen to their needs and respond with care.

You want him (or them) to obey you out of love, not fear! You want to foster a safe environment where he can feel comfortable to tell you about his mistakes and fears.

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The POEMS series:
1.WHITELESS THOUGHTS -Bits of darkness and love

Unless stated otherwise, all photos used in this posts are taken and owned by myself.
If you wish to use any of my images, please contact me!

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave your feedback in the comments,
I would love to hear your thoughts!

@2018 LaviPicu aka The Lyme Poet. All rights reserved.


Nice to see you and I Upvoted you :) !
“Beware of finding what you're looking for.====> Richard Hamming

And watch him soar,
His mind wide open,
like a kite un-tethered
Wild and free to roam and roar!

An ode to your sweet poem "A Chil'd Mind"

Keep em coming! xx

We should always encourage our children to reach the sky . Negativity hurts them in more ways then any other and follows them in life . Nice poem

I like to tell my kid that sky is not the limit ;0)

Wonderful poetry @lymepoet. A child should always be given the required freedom and care. Children have the greatest minds.

That's because they can see things the way they are without complicating everything.

This is gorgeous, that's why children are always happier and they make world shine with their smiles, for them everything is possible.

And you are right, some parents just say ''no, you can't'' and they don't realize that when children have the parents support for everything, they feel unstoppable and are more capable, have more confidence for making their dreams come true once they grow.

I never understood parents who forced their kids to follow their footprints into a career or predetermined path. Or those who kept on telling their kids they were wrong without helping them discover a solution to the problem.

All wisdom states that in order to experience the infinite wonders around us, we all must look through the eyes of a child.

Thanks for the beautiful poem.

Namaste, Jaichai

The world always looks better when we do that!

Beautiful poem! And all of your statements are so true for all of us parents!

Thanks sweety!

A child mind is filled with love. I really agree to this. @lymepoet you are a good writer.

Wonderful poem, and so very true - a child's mind really is full of Love.

#thealliance #witness

Thanks! I have one little mind here that I find quite inspiring ;0)

This is beautiful and so true. As a parent I always tell my kids that there are no limits in what they can do. Obeying out of love and not out of fear is something parents would need to embed in their children. Beautiful work.

I do the same. I tell my son that the sky is not the limit.

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