A brief rant about writing and an old untitled poem.

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)


Beginnings by Olga Petroff, 2016.

I found some old poems while going through an old blog I've had for a long time and pretty much abandoned when the year started. I don't know why. Maybe because I'm always tired of all the activities I do in the day, lack of energy, motivation... maybe because I lost my mojo? I don't know, but writing has become harder and harder for me throught the years.

I've been writing more academic stuff lately, mostly because of the courses I'm taking at uni. They keep me active writing and reading-wise, even though most of the times it's not they type of reading I would choose by myself.

On Steemit I try to write about what I like. It doesn't have to be perfect and that stops me from being over perfectionist and refraining from posting something unless I'm absolutely and 100% satisfied with it. Sometimes I fail.

I tend to write in spanish and since I entered this community I've challenged myself to write more in English. So far I've been managing, but I'd like to go back to writing poetry... ish. Aalthough I don't know if I would catalog what I write as poetry... would you?

Well, anyway, this is (I think) my first "poem" in English, part of an looong untitled series of texts about my life, this one's number 46. It was an interesting experience to read it after all this time. I can evoque the exact images and feelings I had in mind when I wrote it. It seems like a whole other me, but at the same time, it's like I haven't changed at all.

Hope you like it.

July 20, 2016


Walk. Weave. Wander.
Look for a fit.
Misplace all the pieces
Dismantle them,
shatter them.

Germinate. Desintegrate.
Try to solve the puzzle,
Do not abandon the unceasing labour.

Swim. Sprout. Spread
across the length of the horizon.
Lines are not made out of points,
they are made out of infinite tunnels
that never reach a centre.

Stop. Read the warning.
The waves drag a salty inscription.
Let it sink, touch bottom.

Drink the water,
savour the salt awakening your tongue,
schorching your throat.
Forgetting feels a little like drowning,
first you struggle
then you learn,
then you let go.
Letting go is part of becoming.
Fear is never lost.

I do not know who I am.
I guess I've never experienced real loss.
All I have ever known about is absence.
I trace lines,
delineate the border of my consciousness
and meet with the unfix.
I wish I could learn how
to embrace the fissures.

I never learn.
I've settled in the void,
this is my place.
I am to never leave it.

What do you think? Let me know if you'd like to read some more of my writing. Comments and/or upvotes are highly appreciated.

See you next time!

xx Alicia


I don't know why I find these lines so touching: "All I have ever known about is absence...", "they are made out of infinite tunnels, that never reach a centre..."

Waves as tears, void as solitude... Maybe?

This is a really deep poem, dear. I like it very much!

Spot on! I think that's an accurate analysis. I'm glad you like it.


My friend, I really love (almost) all your work (not a huge fan of musicals hehe).

Anyway, back to the poem, it seems that you wrote it when you had a personal loss, though, instead of embracing sadness or grief, you felt alienated and without understanding the whole situation...ahm, I don't know, maybe I'm wrong...at least that is how I felt your verses...maybe I just pictured myself within them.

I love your work!

P.S. Remember that the FIRST image is the one that will be the front of your post. Maybe you should edit it, so the first thing people see is the ocean and not the divider.

Hey! thanks haha (you need to find your type of musical. Not everything is for everyone haha and not every musical is the same... believe me.

I was defninitely going through a hard time when I wrote it. I find that whenever I've been dealing with depression I write very insightful and symbolic things, like this.

P.S: Thanks for the tip! I'll edit it.

I'm more kind of an Opera dude haha.

And yep, sadness and depression are powerful starting points for art!

I enjoy Opera as well, but Musical Theatre goes deeper into the acting bit. While a few Opera singers that I admire are great actors, that is not always the case. With musicals you get the best of both worlds hahaha

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