
Your Owl is lovely :)

And you so right about nesting, i can feel that with every bone, its both a real "nest preparation" (just instead of branches and rocks we get to use some crazy stuff they sell for babies nowadays ;)) and a mental one as well.

I remmeber after the first couple month of the pregnancy i was basicaly ready for her to come out, but now that we are couple of weeks before the end, i feel emotions arising that i have never experienced before, i feel like i am being rewired from within without any control about it.
Now inknow there is more then a biological reason for the 9 month period.
Ita not only the baby that is growing and is us, the parents as well.

Sorry for hijacking the comment dear , just felt like sharing my excitment :)

Im excited for you and this sounds like the start of any excellent post about an expecting parent, the fathers view. Its a scary time, its exciting, and everything is changing. Enjoy it embrace it and when you finally get to meet that little one give em an extra kiss for me. :)

I most certainly will, dear Kubby.

Thanks :)

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