I decided to spring clean...

in #poetry7 years ago

Change used to scare itself into existence. A safety net of known routine wasn’t wanted, but it was reality. A new route was desired. Actually it was a dream.

Do you dream of a life of adventure?

One with the strength of Tarzan, with the grace of leap, and the intelligence of 007?

I’m asking for a friend.

She lives in imagination of freedom, desire, midway insanity.

Have you heard of her?

In your mind, she might actually be your reality.

Like a musical, the tunes dance to the beat of fire and ice.

Roaring injustice back into the den of the lion’s mouth. Hoarding the truth that is beaten into faith.


The memories of yesterday. Will those letters still matter after the wedding day, during the school recital, when moving? Those letters, those “maybe one day,” and especially those pictures. In empty frames like the snapshot of the future. Predicting nothing until filled with hopes and rings.


When ignited and flames breathe out of existence anything that was once dear. Just remember you had the choice before. To film it, upload it, store it.


Storage filled, your cup runs over. Which floods the home and lies about the neighbors. Truth be told, you want to keep it all. Remember it all. Find a purpose and a place, but like a spy you must let go of emotional ties.

Less is more. Think of, image if, select ten items loved more than the others then throw the rest away. Sounds easy doesn’t it? If it wasn’t we wouldn’t be escaping to imagination to declutter the existing piles of accumulation.



@kubbyelizabeth It is that time of the year again for spring cleaning. Part of my new year's resolution to clean the house. With motivation and designated time I'll make it.

You got this my friend, steem ahead!

Good for you for making your life a bit more simple. Unfortunately, so many of us are tied to and defined by stuff.

My family can fall into the same traps, but we are trying out best to only pick up things that we really need and add value to our lives.

a poetry very beautiful. I love diction, structure, and its contents that gives a lot of inspiration. success always @kubbyelizabeth

Thank you very much!

Oh, I a am doing a spring-clean, too. All must go, almost all. 90% - goes. Do I need that pic, that letter, that old card? When was the last time I looked at it. Do I need this gadget? Could someone else make better us of it?
Spring clean - inside me - inside the house. The old must go for the new man!

It sounds like fun, but it was a lot of work and I still have a lot more to throw out. I gave myself another year. If I don't read these books by then it all goes. I miss them already.

Makes you want to get up and write a poem 😃. i loved the little rhymes here and there. Writing these kinds of poems has always been a skill.

Don't give up, sometimes trying to write a poem is a lot harder then writing when the words are just flowing out of you

Hey Kubby,
great poem
and if pics are real
you room still feels much organised than my room is :(

lol, that is very encouraging :)

Very good poem, is very well written and the truth is very inspiring, I love it

Thank you, do you enjoy writing poetry?

Kubby...I can provide you with some additional inspiration for poems, I am in the midst of arranging the house for the little one, and could use your help :)

Jokes aside, lovely poem!

p.s: that owl is kinda scary.. :)

That owl is not scary, the eyes are just a little off. Okay, it is a little odd. I would love to lend a hand, but nesting is part of the preparation process.

Your Owl is lovely :)

And you so right about nesting, i can feel that with every bone, its both a real "nest preparation" (just instead of branches and rocks we get to use some crazy stuff they sell for babies nowadays ;)) and a mental one as well.

I remmeber after the first couple month of the pregnancy i was basicaly ready for her to come out, but now that we are couple of weeks before the end, i feel emotions arising that i have never experienced before, i feel like i am being rewired from within without any control about it.
Now inknow there is more then a biological reason for the 9 month period.
Ita not only the baby that is growing and preparing...it is us, the parents as well.

Sorry for hijacking the comment dear , just felt like sharing my excitment :)

Im excited for you and this sounds like the start of any excellent post about an expecting parent, the fathers view. Its a scary time, its exciting, and everything is changing. Enjoy it embrace it and when you finally get to meet that little one give em an extra kiss for me. :)

I most certainly will, dear Kubby.

Thanks :)

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