
I sent you and Steembasic Income share as a thank you :) thanks for the great contest/gathering <3

Until every cage is seaside and vacant
libertad is a loaded gun
with a shifting placement

Some strong penning, Kilbride. What is a steembasic income?

@steembasicincome check it out, its like a community owned group and you can buy yourself and another a share . It gives you an upvote on everything you post (maybe there's a limit per person- I would hope actually) I found out about it through Freewrite group and decided to start giving them as thank you's

Cool ... I will keep a look out for the upvotes and then maybe pay it forward. A big thank you, kilbride:)

"Lace me up one more stitch"
Let me have one more hit

In a mist of confusion
I find clarity of society
In a rage of bliss
I find comfort in humanity

Please takes notes
As I take tokes
Of marijuana smoke =D

Well penned. The well-turned phrase, “libertad is a loaded gun,” especially jumped out to me. “Libertad” or “liberty” has always been a threat to those who would force power and privilege over others.

Yes agreed. And thank you xo "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." Albert Camus

That, all day <3

Hi, @kilbride. From the picture your poem is loaded with both pop culture and religiosity. Reading this piece has been an inyeresting opinion for me; I'll tell you why:

  • The pic is an oxymoron. We need guidance = we ARE the guidance (fist). And is loaded both with divine devotion and human guts.

  • Idem for the text. "Wrong side - one more stitch - loaded gun" and "libertad" build their own extended oxymoron to produce a dialectic effect between violence and the sublime.

It reminds me of universal paradoxes like the Latin adage Si vis pacem, para bellum (If you want peace, prepare for war).

Thanks for sharing this here. I enjoyed it.

Thank you , I appreciate your thoughts. Although preparing for war is the worst part of being free. We aren't really free if we are dictated by constant struggle . Really bums me out to be honest :(

Indeed, @kilbride. Freedom is an illusion, a sweet one.

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