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RE: Poem of Protection - Words of Warding

in #poetry6 years ago

I stalk the banks of your rivers,
looking for the flicker of your smile in my reflection.
I haunt the shores of your oceans,
listening for the echo of your laughter in the whisper of the waves.

This particular image was the one that spoke to me the most. It feels so desolate and like the moment of anger turning to despair is right in here. It begins with stalking which is so aggressive. Actively searching, almost demanding of the universe that you be given back something of your lost love, but by the close of this stanza you are passive, only haunting and listening for echoes.

At least that is how it speaks to me, and your poetry does which is a near miracle. I commend you for the artistry of your work and for your courage in baring your heart and soul. You and @mamadini may start a romantic revolution with all these beautiful words of love and longing being displayed ;)


I feel the turn begins the stanza prior, and here it's already despair. But despair sets in, and sets in deeper. Here, no longer looking for her, but just for memories of her presence. There's already the giving up here, in what the search is for.

And thank you for the kind words Jess. Someone joked I could start a book of poetry with my poems for @mamadini, but it seems like at the rate it is going, it might very well come true. And of course, thanks to my muse <3

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