the orient philosophy

in #poetry7 years ago

the orient philosophy

“The first noble truth, the truth of suffering, is to be fully understood: the task it assigns us is that of full understanding. A hallmark of the noble ones is that they do not flow along thoughtlessly with the stream of life, but endeavor to comprehend existence from within, as honestly and thoroughly as possible. For us, too, it is necessary to reflect upon the nature of our life. We must attempt to fathom the deep significance of an existence bounded on one side by birth and on the other by death, and subject in between to all the types of suffering detailed by the Buddha in his discourses.
The second noble truth, of the origin or cause of suffering, implies the task of abandonment. A noble one is such because he has initiated the process of eliminating the defilements at the root of suffering, and we too, if we aspire to reach the plane of the noble ones, must be prepared to withstand the seductive lure of the defilements. While the eradication of craving can come only with the supramundane realizations, even in the mundane course of our daily life we can learn to restrain the coarser manifestation of defilements, and by keen self-observation can gradually loosen their grip upon our hearts.
The third noble truth, the cessation of suffering, implies the task of realization. Although Nibbana, the extinction of suffering, can only be personally realized by the noble ones, the confidence we place in the Dhamma as our guideline to life shows us what we should select as our final aspiration, as our ultimate ground of value. Once we have grasped the fact that all conditioned things in the world, being impermanent and insubstantial, can never give us total satisfaction, we can then lift our aim to the unconditioned element, Nibbana the Deathless, and make that aspiration the pole around which we order our everyday choices and concerns.
Finally, the fourth noble truth, the Noble Eightfold Path, assigns us the task of development. The noble ones have reached their status by developing the eightfold path, and while only the noble ones are assured of never deviating from the path, the Buddha's teaching gives us the meticulous instructions that we need to tread the path culminating in the plane of the noble ones. This is the path that gives birth to vision, that gives birth to knowledge, that leads to higher comprehension, enlightenment and Nibbana, the crowning attainment of nobility.”
Bhikkhu Bodhi

the spiritual journey continues,
respiration hastens but paces itself,
autumn has always been my favourite season.
the way leaves crunch beneath your steps,
the way dogs run past children in the park,
all snuggled up in wool.
we grab our coffee catered to our habitual taste,
and walk along the river,
reflecting upon our year’s worth of lessons.
all the experiences, all the impressions,
they cascade over our consciousness with so much ferocity,
that one feels like falling into the water below us.
this grateful disposition occurs quite naturally for my cycle,
appreciation slowly enters your bloodstream,
and you’re boiling with so much love.

so today, i thank you all. every single speck of being for this understanding.
we all have our own journeys to trek, to explore, and to learn from,
let’s all be kind-er to each other.


thats pretty cool. Kindness is key to success.

nice bro keep it up..hope you will visit on my your work bro..

This is just.. amazing! Thank you for sharing this.

Kindness matters! We all just need to take a little time to slow down and take a moment with the people close to us... and not just fly through life in a zombie-like state.

Beautiful post!

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Love your work brother! ❤︎ All the best!

This is fantastic

In knowledge we walk along the spiritual path or not so much in knowledge. Time takes time to SEE ! Having SEEN I walk along in SOME knowledge & am thankful for that !

Suffering is one of those states that no one wants to be in, but is necessary for growth.

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