Hold my heart's broken shards.

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

All that was left was the smallest of shards,
Thin fine crisp remnants I needed to guard.

When you trampled upon them crushing them so,
I lost the last piece of that girl that you know.

Do not think I am jesting don't assume me away,
I lost the last piece of myself yesterday.

Empty on cruise control am sailing now,
Still breathing heart beating it baffles me how.

Existing as nothing I know this is not,
As I imagine that nothing does not feel like rot.

Yes every last cell that is inside my being,
Is festering bubbling most disagreeing.

I wish I could somehow escape from this cell,
Each moment that passes chained tighter to hell.

I have no idea what to do from here on,
This limbo I live has continued to long.

I wish you could actually hear what I say,
Your instinct always is a head turn away.

Crushed to near nothingness sand in a pile,
I swept it all up wearing a pretend smile.



I wish you could actually here what i say. Existing as nothing i know this is not.

I very much enjoyed your misery and if i had the power id wipe it all away. Even tho ive only known you 1 day.

Somehow inspiring, and again beauty

We are kindred. I drew on my most positive yesterday, but what you describe in your encounter at the shops with old friends is much more the norm.
Sometimes giving up momentarily is the way to keep going. Positive all the time is a bit bullshit. It is a balance. You taught me to look for Zen within shit, but not to colour the shit and call it divine gifts when it is clearly just a stinker.

This strikes me to my core

I wish I could somehow escape from this cell,
Each moment that passes chained tighter to hell.

Truly solemn piece. Makes me feel sad. :(

I am ok lovely man.
Stuff just rolls out. Your dark stuff is pretty powerful, and I like it for where it goes in the shadows.
I wrote the 175 words for this for
Maybe it interests you.

cant hold the snow it will melt....lol

This is true...
I have entered it into a winter challenge in which the judge lives in the northern hemisphere. I myself am experiencing a southern hemisphere heat wave. The picture is to acknowledge the theme of her contest, Steemit Winter’s Collective Play, the task is to write 175 words on absolutely anything, so I have employed my artistic licence and use which ever reference I feel like using.
The very idea of not being able to hold onto an abstract notion of emotions works just fine for me, you can not hold them really can you...
Thanks for the lols with regards to my heart ache. Bless you.

Very nice poem.

Nice. I like

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