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RE: Faith (Poetic Prose)

in #poetry6 years ago

Isn't that the point of dogma? That you take it on faith, that it is an axiom and is taken as true, and you use it to prove other things? Silly people, trying to question axioms being axioms. But of course, that is the way of rationality.

I think religion is exactly there so you wouldn't question everything. Because it's a much harder life, to be asking questions, especially when there are no answers.
There's a reason the image of God to so many is of an old man who keeps them safe, looking over them, tells them right from wrong.

I don't think it is silly at all. There are good reasons for it. It is just not true for what I think of life, or of myself, or of what use our brains are.


I never looked at that way. I know some people study and choose faith for their own reasons, and for some faith makes sense. You are right though, dogmas are unquestionable because of what they are. My mind ponders on a lot of questions, and I am comfortable with having questions that cannot be answered, but I understand that for others, without the answers, life doesn't mean anything.

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