Then Our Peace Will Come (An Original Poem)

in #poetry5 years ago (edited)

How will we
find our way back
to consensus?

Let the old folks
show their scars of sacrifice
and tell the stories the photos
on their walls recall.

Stop pretending.
Stop expecting.
Stop hiding
our collective sins.

Stop believing
politician’s lies.
The world they sell us
is black and white but, in truth,
it is billions of beautiful shades of grey,
stop hating for a moment...
please JUST STOP.

All of us are hurting.

Breathe in, think,
open your heart,
open your mind,
relish this life, breathe out,
then our Peace will come.

Start discussing.
Start forgiving.
Start being kind.
Start realizing
more than one version
of the truth can exist.

Start agreeing to disagree.
Start allowing people
to have their dignities.
Start practicing love
or we'll all die twisted by hate,
this doesn't have to be our fate,

Then our Peace will come.

When together we relish in
our collective self-worth...
the laughter of our children,
the smell of sweet sage and Earth,
the pine trees after the rain.

When we train our eyes
to see beyond our pain,
this is when the bars
will come into focus,
we will finally see the prison cell
we are all held in
and, together, figure out
how to make a break,
for goodness sake, start today,
then our Peace will come.

Eric Vance Walton

(Gif sourced from

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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

Alarm Clock Dawn, one of the first full length novels published on the blockchain, and the book that started it all for me can be found HERE. Or Click Here to read it for free on the Steemit blockchain

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What beautiful words! It is a poem not only to read but to practice what it says. If we stop hating for a moment, if we stop listening to what our neighbor, our brother, the earth, says. If for a moment we bet on offering love and not bullets. Surely the world would be different. Change is in our hands. Thank you, @ericvancewalton

Thank you Nancy! This is how I've tried to live my life for the past twenty-five years...not always successfully. I really do think if everyone were to just work, consistently, on themselves they would see beyond the illusions that those who control the world spin. I appreciate your comment!

Beautiful words and carefully chosen. If we care enough, share enough, the world will have enough. The world has enough of our needs but never enough for our greed. If we can show more love, if we can pause and reflect and if we can be considerate. We leave everything to chance when it is in our hands to make the effort and change the narrative.

Thank you so much for this, sir. God bless your heart.

Thank you @olawalium! The world has enough resources for us all, so true. We wouldn't even have to sacrifice the health of our planet to sustain us all if we lived in a more sharing and mindful way. I'm sure a million other civilizations across this expansive galaxy have gone extinct in the exact way we are currently...because of hate and greed. I'm still confident there's time to save ourselves but it's going to take a massive shift in consciousness. I appreciate your comment!

I always love your insight and contributions, sir. You always give this eye-opener with your voice of reason. What a blessing you are to the world. You couldn't have put it in a better way. Absolutely brilliant, sir.

Hello Eric, how are you doing? What a beautiful poem about kindness. Let's do good and sprinkle love on this earth. Have a nice day, Eric.

I'm good, Eliana! Thank you for your kind words!

If atleast we can keep up to the principle of "forgiveness" and "agree to disagree", then also this world will become a beautiful place.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes! We need to realize that people can hold opinions different from us without hating them. That would be a huge step forward.

Excellent verse, motivates to start life honestly and openly, so our world will come faster.

Your posts are just as good as what I see, really your posts are awesome.!

Posted using Partiko Android

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