Looking Back at 40 (An Original Poem)

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

What a year of extremes,
So many mirrors have reflected clearly
my strengths and vulnerabilities.

There have been a distinct quickening
in the lessons put before me,
the years of preparation are now past,
the groundwork has been done,
now comes the season for patience.

Life is peppered with constant reminders
that deeper living, isn’t easy living.
Is this emergence from
obscurity so wise?

Success will never
be caught by chase,
you can only awaken
and grow to meet it.
Throughout, life remains
as it always has been,
a beautiful opportunity.

Harmony and balance
is my savior,
both the reward and the key
that winds
this Alarm Clock Dawn.
I stand ready.

(Gif sourced from Giphy.com)

About This Poem

I used to have this tradition. Before my birthday I’d write a poem about the previous year. It’s so interesting to go back and read them. This particular poem was written as I was just about to turn forty in 2011.

My life was way different then. This was way before my introduction to cryptocurrency and Steemit, my first draft of my first novel was nearly complete but was several edits away from being published. By 2011 I had already been writing for twenty years and had nearly resigned to the fact that it was just going to be a side gig or hobby. I was pretty sure I would retire, an old man, from my day job at the insurance company.

Reading this almost a decade later (how could this be?), the confidence in the words of this poem blow me away because they speak a different story. In some strange way it was as though my soul was telling me to just be patient, keep working on my craft, and in the immortal words of Bob Marley, “Every little thing is gonna be alright.”

My 40's have been pretty amazing so far. Writers...a little word of advice. Keep all of your work, someday you may read it again and it might teach you something very valuable.

Thank you for reading,


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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

Alarm Clock Dawn, one of the first full length novels published on the blockchain, and the book that started it all for me can be found HERE. Or Click Here to read it for free on the Steemit blockchain

My book on meditation, The Perfect Pause, is priced at $12.99 (paperback) and $4.99 (eBook). Buy the paperback and receive the eBook for free!

Let’s Keep In Touch


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Very nice idea to write a reflection poem every year. Wish I'd have thought of that years ago! I will have something to look back on in later years though because my google doc file is filled with stories since I joined Steem in Oct. I'm very glad to have you with us on the Steem Fiction writers project!

Thank you @blueeyes8960! I wrote one poem a year from age 32 to around 43, when I read them it's a little like looking at the growth rings on a tree. Lol. I'm honored to be a part of the project, it's great practice and awesome publicity for Steemit!

Man, I love this <3 beside the poem, I mean. The story that follows. It is so incredible to look back and realize, in all honesty, that man, I never thought I'd be here or this is not what I thought my life would be like.
Yet it is.
So very unpredictable. I agree about keeping your work simply because I never throw stuff away. Kidding :D The most interesting thing you can do (well, one of them anyway) is see how your ideas have grown up along with you :)

Life is truly unpredictable. I look back and I see how much things started to change when I began listening to those James Altucher podcasts that I told you about. It opened me up to a whole new way of thinking about success and lead me to other sources of motivation and creative thinking. Those podcasts, and his Facebook group eventually led me here to Steemit (through an invite from @stellabelle who was also a follower of James). I credit my change in fortune to this shift in mindset as much as continuing to learn and practice the craft of writing. TG for the internet...that's how I find a lot of my old stuff. If I had to rely on paper I'd be out of luck! : )

Now you have lived life and have more to write about.
My husband has writings from long ago.. I have some spirals that survived the fire but up until now, I chose to be silent .. a story in itself.

The best to the new project you are in with the steempress .. I see you are going to author a piece. :)

So true, these last few years have been so jam packed with learning and living...kind of a crash course.

I’m sure you’ll revisit those old spirals when the time is right and you’re ready.

Thank you! I’ll do what I can to support this new Steemfiction project but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to make the next deadline. HardFork will be first priority. I do have a short story from the last round that will soon be done called, Missing Time. I can’t wait to share it. I may submit it to The New Yorker.

I did switch the Gif! The first one wasn’t quite good enough. 😊

I do like your 2nd choice better. The New Yorker is big time.

I have a fascination with watches and clocks. : ) Its been a dream of mine for a while to be published by them. James Thurber is one of my writing idols and he had a long history with The New Yorker.

I remember now you are from Ohio like Thurber.
Quote from him

It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers.

Yes, Thurber was from Columbus, my hometown. I like that quote! He was one of the reasons I got into cartooning as well. His humor really clicked with me.

so cool how it all goes together .. my husband does characters/cartoons every day in his sketchbook for years.. I can see you doing something like Thurber .. ! Now I see.
Added: I remembered you showing me a cartoon you did before. It is fun to follow all the things you do.

Success is not a subject of chase. It is simply a bi-product of well executed plan and processes. So for me the process is more important. For me the journey is more important.

You have written so well sir. I am really inspired by those lines.

Posted using Partiko Android

My 40's have been pretty amazing so far. Writers...a little word of advice. Keep all of your work, someday you may read it again and it might teach you something very valuable.

WOw just few minutes ago, I had this same reflection, I stumbled on a post I wrote several months ago, its almost amazing how everything looks now, I wonder more how it will be years to come, thank goodness for the blockchain...most of my writings are here on steem

amazing how even then your poetry was fire, how timeless.

My life swings from high to lows, morning to evening, bulls to bears. I feel like I am an observer but most of time I suffer through those transformations and yet I come out as a strong person than ever, every time I survive a difficult situation.

Success will never
be caught by chase,
you can only awaken
and grow to meet it.
Throughout, life remains
as it always has been,
a beautiful opportunity.

It is true reflection of philosophy. The life is by large about understanding & consciously awakening.

You are a wonderful writer sir. Feeling great to get stopped by your blog.

So true! This physical world is all about duality and is a kind of boot camp/school that teaches us. It makes us stronger, if we're paying attention and don't fall into the victim mentality. Thanks for your comment!

I consider harmony and balance the most important in life. In modern busy life, this becomes even more essential.

My 40's have been pretty amazing so far. Writers...a little word of advice.

Yes I can feel that from your writing. Truly great. Keep it up @ericvancewalton.

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