Consequences of Love

in #poetry6 years ago
  • The river passes through the feelings of victory, the passion strikes the sounds of glory through the brains of materialism. The power of happiness comes from the conscious mind, rose in the holy place of love with the honest intentions of reason.

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  • We are going to the adventures of miracles, your smile is magical in the romantic reality of the star. Music creates emotions in the fields of the golden oasis, the war shouts of the deepest secrets of mystical wisdom. Hug me with the imagination, kiss me in the quiet tenderness of the heart.

  • Love has changed through the inspiration of profit, we have become prophets of modern times who do not have the quality content of the honest truth. Questions pose new challenges with the dark secrets of hidden thoughts, you opened safe cards on the gaming table of magical fairy tales.

  • You left the signs of love on the memories that do not pass, we stopped time in the mind of loneliness. We have forgotten the basic steps of motion pictures, we create a better reality based on illusion. Kisses of passion conquer the heart of passers-by, we gave our maximum on the podium for fiery game enthusiasm.

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El día de hoy dejare mi comentario respecto a estas 3 frases que llamaron mi atención:

  • El poder de la felicidad viene de la mente consciente
  • La música crea emociones en los campos del oasis de oro, los gritos de guerra de los secretos más profundos de la sabiduría mística.
  • El amor ha cambiado a través de la inspiración del beneficio, nos hemos convertido en profetas de los tiempos modernos que no tienen el contenido de calidad de la verdad honesta.
  • Nuestro cerebro controla nuestro cuerpo pero debemos darle ordenes para que este funcione a capricho nuestro, debemos querer ser felices y trabajar para conseguirlo, la música es un excelente canal para transmitir sentimientos a todos, dependerá de que tipo de sentimientos quieras expresar sea de victoria o de derrota, el amor o lealtad son valores importantes y debemos trabajar duro para obtener el éxito, beneficiarnos así de un buen trabajo, no podemos ni debemos ser mediocres para llegar a la cima.
    Today I will leave my comment on these 3 phrases that caught my attention:
  • The power of happiness comes from the conscious mind
  • The music creates emotions in the fields of the golden oasis, the war cries of the deepest secrets of mystical wisdom.
  • Love has changed through the inspiration of profit, we have become prophets of modern times who do not have the quality content of honest truth.
  • Our brain controls our body but we must give it orders so that it works at our whim, we must want to be happy and work to get it, music is an excellent channel to convey feelings to everyone, it depends on what kind of feelings you want to express victory or defeat, love or loyalty are important values and we must work hard to achieve success, benefit from a good job, we can not and should not be mediocre to reach the top.


    See you on the top

    Hi @dobartim, Do you know?
    Life is Glorious.
    If you Knew to Enjoy it.
    But LoveLess Life is nothing it is same as barren Dream
    Do you Want to Know How To Enjoy It Go This Id @saklain1

    Welcome to Steemit

    Your writing is very nice, all the things you post on Steamit, I see them and I feel good to read,

    I am glad you like it

    Ha ha ha, how much are you from me in Stevemeet, and you scoff at me, ok thank you dear. Ha ha ha

    Ha ha ha, how much are you from me in Steemit, and you scoff at me, ok thank you dear. Ha ha ha

    Hare Rama hare Krishna @dobartim

    Love is the most amazing feeling in the world have you ever been in love @dobartim??

    Hare Krishna

    What a wonderful poet @dobartim. Like it so much. :)

    Thank you very much

    "Love has changed through the inspiration of profit, we have become prophets of modern times who do not have the quality content of the honest truth." - show matters more than truth... so sad

    Welcome to Steemit

    Great work. Very nice lines

    Thank you very much

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