At The Pause of Memory

in #poetry6 years ago
  • The sky blew the sun with a beautiful smile, we became information of the rain that gives us blessings. We blot out the bad moments in the valley of oblivion as we recall the beautiful face of love. Powerful inspiration brings emotions to the awareness of experience, the mind is a magical captain of life's destiny.

  • A beautiful silence with your touch in the gentle waves of the wind, this is an incredible moment of love inspiration that I always remember. A beautiful silence with your touch in the gentle waves of the wind, this is an incredible moment of love inspiration that I always remember.

  • Every word of yours is golden and gentle, you become an infinite imagination of my consciousness. I want every moment to be eternal in the oasis of love affluence, I want the truth to become a measure of the value of our honest success.

  • Kiss me with your magical look, feel the virtue of the movement with romantic feelings. Life is a collection of beautiful moments that we remember, you are my light of pleasure that shows me sweet dreams. My focus loves a pause of memory, you are the centre of my world.


A beautiful silence with your touch in the gentle waves of the wind, this is an incredible moment of love inspiration that I always remember. A beautiful silence with your touch in the gentle waves of the wind, this is an incredible moment of love inspiration that I always remember.

Every word of yours is golden and gentle, you become an infinite imagination of my consciousness. I want every moment to be eternal in the oasis of love affluence, I want the truth to become a measure of the value of our honest success.

Kiss me with your magical look, feel the virtue of the movement with romantic feelings. Life is a collection of beautiful moments that we remember, you are my light of pleasure that shows me sweet dreams. My focus loves a pause of memory, you are the centre of my world

Excellent, keep going

Thank you sir for your reply

Stunning images that go so well with beautifully written poetry. Thank you for putting some sunlight in my day with your words.

That poetry is the voice of the feelings of the soul, its technique is good

A nice poem as always)

que versos tan hermosos. el bello rostro del amor. La inspiración poderosa lleva las emociones a la conciencia de la experiencia, la mente es un capitán mágico del destino de la vida.

Dear sir Hare Krishna and good morning,
While reading your poem one can feel the flow of emotions and energy that's amazing and very lovely experience I think.
Have a great day my dear sir.

Hoy presento las frases que mas me gustaron de tu bello poema para comentarlas:
  • La mente es un capitán mágico del destino de la vida.
  • Quiero que la verdad se convierta en una medida del valor de nuestro éxito honesto.
  • La vida es una colección de hermosos momentos que recordamos

  • Es común escuchar hablar del destino como algo lejano, sin embargo el destino se construye cada día con nuestras acciones y la mente es la encargada de trazar el plan, solo que a veces las emociones le ganan a la razón y hacemos cosas no planeadas.
    El éxito o fracaso se alcanza de acuerdo a los valores que construimos, si la verdad hace vida en ellos, seremos exitosos.
    Al llegar nada traemos, al nacer venimos en blanco, pero cada momento que vivimos es experiencia y eso es lo que debemos valorar.
    Aunque aprendemos de las buenas y malas experiencias, debemos crear bonitos momentos, para luego recordar lindas experiencias.
    Today I present the phrases I liked the most from your beautiful poem to comment on them:
  • The mind is a magical captain of life's destiny.
  • I want the truth to become a measure of the value of our honest success.
  • Life is a collection of beautiful moments that we remember
  • It is common to hear about destiny as something distant, however, destiny is built every day with our actions and the mind is responsible for drawing up the plan, only sometimes emotions win over reason and we do things that are not planned.
    Success or failure is achieved according to the values we build, if the truth lives in them, we will be successful.
    When we arrive we bring nothing, when we are born we come blank, but every moment we live is an experience and that is what we must value.
    Although we learn from good and bad experiences, we must create beautiful moments, and then remember beautiful experiences.

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