Soup is My Big Thing - My entry to Vdux's Haiku Contest #3

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

20141230 021 Thanksgiving turkey.jpg

Soup is my big thing
my specialty for decades
always made with love

Cori MacNaughton

This is SO TRUE! As anyone who has known me for any length of time can attest. I could live on soup, make it all the time, and bring it as a hostess gift on a regular basis. I typically make a huge pot and freeze it into individual portions.

At any given time, we usually have at least two or three, if not more, different kinds of soup readily available in our freezer.

I remember as a teen reading an article where study participants were divided into three groups. This was primarily a weight loss study.

The first group had a specified menu, meat and two vegetables, served on a plate.
The second group ate precisely the same foods, in the same amounts, but instead of being served on a plate, they were made into soup.
The third group was told to eat sensibly without being given a specific diet.

Predictably, the first group, with their calorie controlled portions, lost some weight.
The second group, with the same foods and portions made into soup, lost almost twice the amount of weight as the first group.
The third group, with no specified diet, remained about the same weight.

I was surprised at the time that the soup group lost so much more weight, but it makes sense, as the additional water in the soup not only helps with digestion, but with carrying waste from the body once digestion is completed.

That is when I started eating more soups, learning to make many soups, and making soup a regular part of my diet, which it is to this day.

20180311_065924 - Soup from turkey bone broth.jpg

Pictured above is my latest soup, also made with turkey bone broth, that we're just about to finish off. It has been really, really good.;-)

Want some soup? ;-)

Thanks to @Vdux for continuing his haiku contests. This was fun.

All words and images are my own.

The photo above is of our Christmas turkey, a few years back, and I can guarantee without hesitation that, once it was carved and the meat removed, that made for some fine bone broth, as a base for later soups. I probably took that photo with my Canon SX 30 iS camera.

Resteeming is welcome, you may link to my post from your own website or blog, and you may use excerpts and/or images as long as you credit me, Cori MacNaughton, and link back to this post.

Please ask for permission, before using my work without linking to this post, as all rights are reserved.


I love soup! I just don't know how to cook. I totally suck at cooking. I just wish to learn the art of it soon.In our country, the soup I love the most is "sinigang". Try to look it up on the internet if you have the time. It is THE BEST.

Didn't know about that study, I guess someone who wants to lose weight should try eating with soup.
Also, feel free to add the tribegloballove tag so that other members can easily find you. ;)

I replied to you earlier today, and now it's not showing up. Odd. Maybe my connection timed out or something. We do have really slow internet at times.

I'll definitely try sinigang - I LOVE tamarind! It might be tough to find around here, but I think I actually saw it in a store locally, if I can just recall where.

I'll be posting some of my go-to recipes for soup, and other things, that are really easy, and delicious. You can try those and see what you think.

I thought I was a lousy cook in my twenties, because I only knew how to make a few things, but then I met friends who couldn't even do that. I do think that cooking is an art, but it is an art that anyone can learn, so don't give up. There's a great cook inside of you just ready to let herself be known. ;-)

Nice. Please do post your recipes! Soup is the best no matter what the weather is. Others find it weird when I eat soup even if it is so hot outside, doesn't bother me. haha.

LOL - You're clearly a woman after my own heart. I used to eat hot soup living in Florida when it was a jillion degrees outside with 10000% humidity. What's good is good. ;-)

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