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in #poetry8 years ago (edited)

An "Almost Steemy" Love Poem from a Dream I Had Last Night.

A dream, it was only a dream...

*Folded Section* of Newsprint

Folded Section of Newsprint
Photo courtesy of Olu Eletu and

Dreaming, unknowing,
I'm holding a newspaper,
Speaking with some girl not clearly seen.
We're on the street now,
Now indoors.
It's warmer.

Why can't I find that piece?
Bordered! At the foot of a fold, it was!

I'm flipping through sections,
and she... she,
Palpably sweet beauty!
Gladly assists my frantic quest.

Sweet Beauty
Sweet Beauty
Photo courtesy of Nathan Anderson and

I lean over her to reach for another bit of print.
Hand brushes thigh.

Sudden, electric doubt!
News forgotten, involuntarily I pause.
Simple touch becomes light stroke...
Can this be right? Even in a dream?

Her foot replies.

Sliding smoothly along my ankle,
it instantly propels me beyond resistance.

All hope is lost...

My alarm sounds.
Any possible resolution, now only imagined.

Falling In Love

Falling In Love - The essence of Friendship, A Foretaste of Eternity
Photo courtesy of Anneliese Phillips and

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I bet you threw that alarm clock lol

If you didn't, I'll do it for you...haha, fortunately my imagination can take over ;)

Very romantic poem @creatr - good thing you woke up, I was starting to blush :)

Me too! ;)

Very nice.
Some day she will still be there after the sound of your alarm :)

Thanks for commenting! :) ;)

Well, don't despair, you can always re-visit the `dream'. Did you know that dreams are real and life as we know it is an illusion? Following, loved it.

Thanks very much for responding. So glad you liked this!

I love dialoging and learning from others here on Steemit! ;)

A very enjoyable read. I only wish my dream recall was so good. Thanks. 😊

Thanks for your encouraging comment. I actually don't (usually) have very good dream recollection... More usually, my dreams "evaporate" within minutes of waking...

Recently, I've been reading dream reports from @alexbeyman and perhaps that has encouraged me to better recall... ;)


All hope is lost?

no way - there are three things that would outlive this world - HOPE, peace and faith - of all things - acquire faith - so I heard from one wise man.

anyhow I like the poem
and I made it on time :)

Thank you very much, My Dear! ;) :) And, did your wise man possibly mean this verse?:

"So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love." - I Corinthians 13:13

@creatr hahaha so I was wrong with one word, yes, yes - that's the verse - so I was wondering - where do I put love hahaha. Thank you :)

You're very welcome, always. ;) :)

I remember my first date with my husband. His hand accidentally brushed mine and I felt butterflies in my heart. I only felt that sensation when riding horses that were spooky. Butterflies are gone now after years of living together but something better has taken the butterfly's place. We are now best friends and my fondness for him is feels like cool silk rather than a bursting heart!

beautiful poem, creatr - it reminds me of my first story on here, Lucinda in dreams - but maybe I shouldn't encourage you into lucid dreaming ha ha

Now I'm going to go look for that story... ;)

yeah...I didn't want to mention it b/c it would make me look needy - like I need your approval on what I write...but strangely, I do. I respect your judgment, creatr. Friends like you are what keeps people on this site :)

Well, I found it, read it, love it. ;)

How many nights have I spent alone staring at lunar craters, my thoughts wandering the shores of lava seas?

And I identify with it. Only, my thoughts wander through glittering jeweled lunar lava-tube caverns... :)

I've very rarely had any lucid dreams, but I've never "practiced." I'm sure it would be interesting. I think the dawning age of virtual reality may ultimately provide effectively the same experience.

And so, that does raise an interesting question of morality; Do one's actions in a dream and/or in a VR simulation have overt moral implications? Would one be more or less morally restrictive than another?

Maybe another topic for a post... ;)

well, you know the answer to that Matt 5:28

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