Ants In Everything

in #poetry7 years ago

"Go to the ant, O sluggard;
    consider her ways, and be wise.
Without having any chief,
    officer, or ruler,
she prepares her bread in summer
    and gathers her food in harvest."

- Proverbs 6:6-8 -

At times, inspiration comes out of great frustration.

Why do I always seem to discover the ant invasions at bedtime?

Table of Contents

Admirably industrious.
Image courtesy of Hans Braxmeier and

It's late. I'm tired.

I'm really ready for bed. Then I feel a little tickle on my leg...

Why can't I notice these little beasts in broad daylight, when I have the energy to deal with them?

I'll make them pay!

I'll write a haiku about ants...

A Haiku by Duncan Cary Palmer


Ants in everything.
An army of intruders,
Mad’ning beyond words.

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Utterly frustrating.
Image courtesy of vlada11 and

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nice haiku@

Thank you.

ow ahha, seeing a stream of ants right before bedtime, yes I know the feeling.

Boy I wonder what kind of dreams I am going to have tonight after seeing those pictures! Alfred Hitchcock take me away in dreamland. Thanks for sharing the poetry. Enjoyed it!!! - Troy

Can't agree with the haiku more. Short and true lol. I've had an experience where I was going to a pulmo check-up. On the way there, I felt something bite in my pants and I couldn't exactly remove my pants just to catch it >.<

Oh man ants in the house can drive one mad, especially when you can't figure out how they are getting in! Once we left the kids' carseats out on the driveway overnight by accident and in the morning, there were hundreds of ants all interspersed among the cushions, cracks, crevices (carseats have lots of crevices), because there were LOADS of crumbs from snacks all down in the depths of the carseats!!! It took hours to clean them out and I don't even know that we got them all. Every time I thought we were done, more would come crawling out of cracks here and there. Ahhh! (I feel your pain)

Wow, I can picture the nightmare of dealing with crumb-laden carseats! Wow!

Yes, finding the source and the entryway is a real problem, but ya gotta do it! :O

I would gladly share with these beasts if only I could communicate with them and persuade them to stay outside...

This reminds me of a funny story - the other day I was commenting (lamenting) about all the crumbs on the floor. My (nearly) 4 year old spouts out "Well mommy, maybe we should invite the ants in for a snack!" Ahhh nooo thank you!

Hahahahahaha! :D

Have you ever been exposed to Art Linkletter and "Kids Say The Darnedest Things?"

Oooh you made em pay alright! Heheheheee I loved it lololol :) Nothing like Poetic Justice! LOL :) :) :)

Sorry that you had to deal with that right as you are falling asleep, how frightening, at least to me it would be, I get scared when stuff touches me in the dark! What kind of ants were they?

The kids and I will be dealing with our own ant experience today synchronistically enough, we are going blueberry and huckleberry picking, and our best patch is also home to a huge nest of imported fire ants...we try and pick a day that's not too hot, so today is the day. Full rainboots, pants tucked into them, and gotta keep constant alert too, cause they'll climb all the way up if you don't notice them right away on your boots, and find some skin somewhere to bite!

Youch! Gotta put some rubber pants on next time ;)

Oh yeah! For sure, or a hazmat suit even :)

Hah!!! Love that visual. I was thinking a beekeeper suit but why stop there right?

AHHAHAHAAA!! Yeah...on second thought...a beekeeper suit would be far more appropriate and wouldn't scare the dickens out of my poor unsuspecting neighbours LOLOLOL!!

Wow! Fire ants! I hope your berry picking adventure has gone well, and that you've avoided those bites!

I couldn't tell you precisely the kind of ant we're dealing with here. It seems that every summer we are attacked by soldiers from one or more colonies. They find a way into the house. I think they may even settle in the attic, although it gets fiercely hot up there in the summer. Then they come down through the walls, and out through cracks, electrical outlets, wherever, and find water and food...

Thanks, my friend, for visiting and commenting! Save me a few berries? ;)

Oooooh my goodness!!! WTF~!!!!! Being attacked by soldiers from one or more colonies all are pretty brave to keep living there. Taking coexistence to a new level!

Today turned out to be another smoking hot day! The morning mist blew off and yeah...just roasting so gonna postpone until we get a cooler day...and Yes, of course I would love to save you some berries, when shall I expect Ya?

Sorry, I didn't literally mean "soldier ants," I just think of these little black critters as colony soldiers and hard workers. I do admire their industriousness, but just wish I could persuade them to stay out of the house. I'd even feed and water them as part of the deal!

Thank You for the kind invitation...!

You can expect me along about the time I get my PGT (Personal Global Transport). That would enable me to just bop over for a visit... ;)

Aww, well I sure hope you don't get felt up tonight...!! *by the ants lolol

Are they the intruders or is our stuff just in their way ;) I guess both actually...

Good question. When they come into my space, I consider them intruders... particularly when they find and spoil food.

I've often said that I would gladly supply them with food and water if they would agree not to come into the house!

Can they spoil food? I think they just take it away in pieces or something like that. Though if a piece of food is crawling with ants it indeed spoilt for all practical intents and purposes for us humans.

I think they would gladly take you up on your offer if they could actually comprehend the deal and boundaries of the house. ;)

They spoil it in the sense that, once a package is infested with ants, we humans are far less inclined to keep it and eat it! :O

We generally are, true. :) Strangely enough, my dad would actually not mind his food having been touched by ants and would dust them off and eat the food if it hasn't actually been spoiled. His argumentation is that ants are clean. :)

I've actually eaten ants (unknowingly) cooked into candy that was given to me as a practical joke.

If it were a "solid" piece of food I would be in your dad's camp, just brush it off... But they get into cereal, flour, sugar, and other things like that where they are totally "mixed in." Ugghhhh....

Yep, you can't really dust off flour or sugar... :/

Upvoted. I'll be resteeming this now :)

Thank you, friend. I appreciate the resteem! ;)

If only they weren't so damn devious 😱

Aren't they deviously clever! :O

My daughter was staying with her friends out of town for a week. She left a bowl of dog food in her room. I noticed one ant on the wall in the hall upstairs and followed a few others into her room to find a 3" wide band of ants that made a strip out of the window, across the roof the the house, down a drain, across the lawn to the back of the property. On that day I had a war with the ants. I will never forget that day. Ants -1 Dad- 0

Utter frustration!

Thanks for sharing your personal account...

Guess what invaded my kitchen today...smh...


Sorry to hear about it! I wish you good success dealing with them!

Super funny. I hear that when it gets dry, they come looking for water.

Yes, that seems to be one of their big things. Kitchens and bathrooms turn out to be very common targets for that reason.

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