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RE: [Original Poem] Shame Shrine

in #poetry7 years ago

Thanks for this, I needed it. I have half a post hanging in draft that says some similar stuff as your intro about "feeling it in full, in order to pass it on." I feel inhibited lately in sharing my pain. My horse died today and I feel twice his weight in shame. I trusted the wrong person to care for him.


Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry for your pain! What a heard thing to bear. Grief mixed with Shame is so painful. Grief is magical though, in its healing abilities. <3 Do you have support as you go through this?

Thank you so much for your compassion. I am so fortunate to have some pretty wonderful support, gotta resist isolating. I agree that these experiences can be transformative! Blessings to you.

Oh, btw, are you familiar with Karla Mclaren's work? She has some awesome essays on shame.

Haha!! I teach her work! And do a radioshow on it here at! I'm glad you have support. Reach out if you need anything else. <3

Amazing! Thank you.

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