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RE: The Way We Used To

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

I really enjoyed this. You have striking images.

"Strolling with collars popped
– big boy style –
our hair pulled back into
a surprised laugh..."

That was the moment my brain said "Damn. He's good."

I'm in a state of overhauling all my time spent. Trying to make every hour of every day more productive. When I lay down at night, I often can't sleep. When I get up I often feel I don't have the energy or desire and want to do nothing. This poem was a nice escape. Thanks for writing.


I'm in the constant struggle between efficiency, and my own tendency to dwell on what should be done or the paralyzation that comes from convincing myself perfection is attainable. I'm in a semi-constant state of reprogramming, hoping to keep one foot moving forward and an eye on the present at least as much as on the future.

not sure if that is what you are expressing, but know that you are never alone - thank you so much for the read, @Cosimo, it means so much.

That's pretty close.

I came across something that said that one of the differences between a professional artist and an amateur, is that amateurs can be known to rant about how they love what they do. Professionals are careful not to because they are aware of how love for your own work can paralyze you.

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