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RE: Acceptance

in #poetry6 years ago

i really like that you weren't heavy handed in your building of the allusion to Styx and the surrounding mythology. your writing places the words in the hand of the reader and it seems almost to slowly unravel, like a timeless scroll, as more and more is revealed. it makes this an incredibly rewarding poem to read.

the pensive pacing that you have painstakingly plodded the reader through reflects the introspective facing of one's past self in such an artful fashion. again, like waiting for ripples to quiet so that you can see the reflection in the river.

always so well thought out and crafted, Guy, i wouldn't be surprised at all if Charon himself were to ask you for your two cents on things - thank you for the share!


That was a cute finale to the comment. I'll try to not let it get to my head. If only because I don't feel yet ready to meet Charon again for a while, if you know what I'm saying ;-)

Thank you for the comment! And yes, this piece is all about the pacing. Well, the pacing in service to the theme and message, not for its own sake.

And if anything, I feel I was almost too heavy-handed with Styx, but then again, you can't not spill the beans when Charon shows so prominently, right?

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