«Guild of Masters». Fascinating Electrical Engineering: Visiting Uncle Oma 2 part

in #poetry7 years ago


Illustration @ konti

Previous parts: 1 part

Today we continue the new cognitive heading "Visiting Uncle Om". Our author Victor Markov, @markvial in an interesting and fascinating form will acquaint you with the world of electricity, its subtleties and features, and also share useful advice, observations with your own inventions and lifhakas.


Author: @markvial

An unexpected call, or What happens when you start to remember

Part two

"Well, call a specialist from the Housing Office."

  • There were also them. They raskosvyryali all the plaster, they say the house is old, there are no schemes. It is necessary to lay all the new wires.
  • There are all kinds. Perhaps this will be the best option.
  • Are you laughing? I have so much bubble managed to repair this wreckage vtyuhat! Everything was in a hurry to bring the newlyweds into their apartment. Some wallpaper and stretch ceilings, laminate flooring - are more than all this old chalupa.
  • I can not say anything. What are you there with the repair done, that there are more problems than it was before the work began?
    "I can not tell you." Come, see for yourself, tell me what you can do. The son signs in a week. Okay, we'll have a wedding in the restaurant, but the first night the doves should spend in their nests. What do you think?
  • I agree! In his nest - it's good! Name the address.
    "The address is ... Do you remember the street?"
    "I remember that you built up a construction site there." I came to establish power supply for the facility.
  • Right! I'm waiting right now. "Do not forget the nuclear suitcase!"
  • I will not forget. He's always in the car.

Under the "nuclear suitcase," the acquaintance has in mind a battered plastic case, in which a complete set of all the tools and instruments needed to work with electricity.

In the photo you see a set of screwdrivers of slotted and cross-shaped different sizes, two screwdrivers with blue handles - service ones - one with a tip in the form of a two-pronged plug, the other with a six-beam asterisk.
These service had to be bought specially, because firms that produce home appliances (combines, blenders, vacuum cleaners, electric kettles, etc.) specially invent different screws so that they do not climb inside without the specialists of warranty service.
I stumbled on the vacuum cleaner. I will not call Mark what does not look like advertising. Was a guest, asked to see why it does not work and I immediately came across such a cunning screw.
Well in the same house there was a shop, went down, and was lucky to buy this screwdriver with a "fork". Affairs for repairs was about twenty minutes (burnt off the wire from the brush), and without such a screwdriver would have to take a vacuum cleaner to the workshop, at least a week.

The tool set includes pliers and cutters with insulating handles, tested at a voltage of not less than 1000 volts.
Pliers, cutters and screwdrivers must only be used for electrical work. And nowhere else! For garage work there is another tool!
Why so strict? It's simple.
Any crack on the handle of a tool or technical dirt can cost you a life in a critical situation. You should always be 100% sure that even under voltage 380 Volts remain unavailable for the breakdown of the current.

Although, of course, work under stress is strictly prohibited! But in life everything happens and to save a friend and not to suffer himself, one must be confident in his instrument.

To the right of the cutters there are three voltage probes: one is of the old type, in the form of a screwdriver with a plexiglass handle, the second is a new (black) screwdriver with a digital voltage indicator and the third is a self-made two-lead, about which I will discuss separately.
The electrician tool kit includes a multimeter with an AC voltage limit of up to 750 volts, which is quite sufficient for measurements in the home network.

The multimeter indicates the voltage in the home network ..

A set of small wrenches for 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 mm should also be at hand while working.
Not inadvertently, and a small chisel with a hammer. Do you have to pierce somewhere under the cable under the cable or remount the outlet.
Well, of course, an insulating PVC tape of different colors never hurts. To mark the wires in my suitcase there is a nail polish - two or three bottles of different colors.
To make it easier to look for wires under the plaster, two self-made devices were invented - a voltage indicator and a cassette for three elements from the AAA series (finger) with a bulb of 4.8 Volts with soldered wires.
The voltage indicator of the wire concealed under the plaster is also self-made. It is convenient in operation, with an accuracy of 10 cm allows you to determine the hidden wire under voltage of 220 volts. How to work with it, what details it consists of, and what is worth building it, I will tell in a separate part.
To remove the insulation from the wires I use a conventional medical scalpel, the handle of which was isolated by two layers of electrical tape and polyvinylchloride tube for reliability. Now on sale there are special pliers for stripping, but they are cumbersome and not all places with them can fit.
The sections of wires of different color and section, small cogs, nuts, connecting pads (there are three of them in the picture: two, three and four connections) - these trifles of weight can not be added to the suitcase, but can be useful in any case.

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Статья подготовлена сообществом "Гильдия Мастеров" (@vp-handmade), в рамках проекта Vox Populi.

Полезная информация

Один человек решил открыть интернет-магазин. Зарегистрировался на платформе Pokupo.ru, начал развивать свой бизнес, но у него ничего не получилось.

«Зато я давно хотел это сделать, я попытался и теперь могу заняться другими интересными вещами», — подумал человек.

«Зато он ничего не потерял на нашей платформе», — подумали в Pokupo.

Попробуйте и вы, может не получиться — предпринимателем становится не каждый. Но вы ведь давно хотели, а бесплатная попытка пропадает.

По всем вопросам — в телеграм-чат сообщества Pokupo. Или к @ivelon.

In my community «Guild of Masters» . This story is published with the permission of the author Victor Markov.

I am the founder of this community «Guild of Masters» and publish articles on Steemit for the popularization of my community «Guild of Masters» (@anri-avgustino)

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