Bilingual Poetry: Glass Of Life [#Day 10] 100 Days Of Poetry Challenge

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Glass Of Life [#Day 10] 100 Days Of Poetry Challenge

Life like a glass
Everyone has only one glass
When the glass breaks
No longer refundable

Source Pinterest

God entrusted us
It's up to us to fill the glass with good or evil
Man is not pure perfect
Neither is man pure evil

Source Pinterst

It's never too late
The contents of the glass can be re-pure
Although full of black liquids
God gives you the opportunity to clean up the black liquid

We have only one glass
Fill in useful things before the glass is solved by death


I'm a beginner writer in English

This poem is inspired from broken glass. I have hope for all of us, hopefully our glas of life can be useful giving water to relieving thirst to those around us. Hopefully the water we have in the glass can make the kindness grow up.

Source Pinterest

If the glass we have is filled with black liquid, it is never too late to fill it with clear liquid.


This poetry to be a part of 100 Days of Poetry Challenge from @d-pend If you wondering about this challenge, please visit about 100 Days Of Poetry Challenge
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Gelas Kehidupan [#Day 10] 100 Hari Tantangan Berpuisi

Hidup seperti gelas
Setiap orang hanya memiliki satu gelas
Bila gelas pecah
Tak lagi bisa dikembalikan

Tuhan mempercayakan pada kita
Terserah kita ingin mengisi gelas dengan kebaikan atau kejahatan
Manusia tidak murni sempurna
Begitu pula manusia tidak murni kejahatan

Tak ada kata terlambat
Isi gelas bisa kembali murni
Walau penuh cairan-cairan hitam
Tuhan memberimu kesempatan membersihkan cairan hitam

Kita hanya memiliki satu gelas
Isi dengan hal berguna sebelum gelas dipecahkan oleh kematian


Puisi ini terinspirasi dari pecahan gelas. Saya memiliki harapan untuk kita semua, semoga gelas kehidpan kita bisa bermanfaat meredakan dahaga ke orang-orang di sekitar kita. Semoga air dalam gelas kita bisa menumbuhkan kebaikan. Jika gelas yang kita miliki dipenuhi cairan hitam, tidak ada kata terlambat untuk mengisinya dengan cairan bening.

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Wow, I love this wonderful piece of poetry.
Life indeed can be compared to a glass.. very fragile and yet very precious.
Keep up with the poetry challenge and good luck

Good luck for us. Thanks for your coming here. 😊

I really enjoy the purity of simple language in this poem you did well in expressing your ideas. I could tell this poem was written by someone who does not have a lot of experience with the English language, but this for me does not detract at all. In fact it kind of gives the poem a flavor that I particularly like. Keep up the good work. Don't worry about writing English in a polished way at this point. I think you have a good enough grasp that what you're saying comes through beautifully.

OMG! I'm so happy to read your comment. That's fight words for me. Yeah, everyday I've been learning to write in English. Thanks for coming here @acousticsteveo

Man is not pure perfect
Neither is man pure evil

Absolutely true... We decide what we want to be

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