Bilingual Poetry: Beauty Is A Wound [#Day 11] 100 Days Of Poetry Challenge

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Beauty Is A Wound [#Day 11] 100 Days Of Poetry Challenge

Red lipstick
Lips full of bruises
Covered expensive lipstick
Lies hiding behind red lipstick

Source Unsplash

Colored eye lens
Views of the rest of the pain
Trying to be covered
Because the dark past is still felt in the deep of heart

Polished cheeks blush on
full of life slaps
Cheeks should always blush
Covering her dark feelings

Beautiful is a wound
Being beautiful is not easy

Source Unsplash

Cantik Itu Luka [#Hari Ke-11] 100 Hari Tantangan Berpuisi

Lisptik merah
Bibir penuh lebam
Tertutupi mahal lipstik
Kebohongan bersembunyi di balik merah lipstik

Lensa mata berwarna
Pandangan dari sisa kesakitan
Berusaha ditutupi
Karena kelamnya masa lalu masih terasa di ulu hati

Pipi terpoles blush on
penuh tamparan kehidupan
Pipi harus selalu merona
Menutupi kelamnya perasaan

Cantik itu luka
Menjadi cantik itu tidak mudah


I'm a beginner writer in English

This poetry to be a part of 100 Days of Poetry Challenge from @d-pend If you wondering about this challenge, please visit about 100 Days Of Poetry Challenge
Join with us at Steemit School Discord Channel

The Result

DAY 10: Glass Of Life

Connected With Anggrek.jpg


A life of suffering The woman must love herself first. Greetings.

Yeah, I agree with you.

Puisi indah, salam knal dari ksi chapter bireuen @anggreklestari

Salam kenal, saya KSI Chapter Jakarta

Salam knl kmbali,semoga betah dan jgan ptah smngat jika gg ad yg vote, kita disini semua sama, dimulai dari 0.oke :)

Siap, Bang. Iya semangat buat kita dan semoga suksesss :)

beautiful lines, so many of us suffer deep inside but cover our pain with a smile

Thanks for coming here @sayee

Keep up writing.

Mantap @anggreklestari. Tetap semangat di hari ke-11. Masih 89 hari lagi nih. Jangan putus ya.

Terima kasih semangatnya, Bang @blogiwank

I love the twist in this poetry.
I love the way you unearthed the pains covered with fake layers of beauty.

My next poem will be as an inspiration of this piece

Thanks for your appreciate.

I'll waiting your next poetry

Puisi cantik,,, hehehe

Puisi cantik itu bikin hati "jleeeeeeeeeb"

Thank you for sharing this with me. Your poetry is beautiful.

Thanks for coming here. Hopefully we are to be good friend on Steemit

Your English is good. With time you will greatly improve and become better

thanks for the support to me

This is to inform on the behalf of @d-pend that your poetry is seen for the 100 day challenge. Keep up the good work.

Thanks for Your information. Keep up writing and hopefully I can see you at Steemit School Discord.

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