It has been quiet - An Original Poem Steemit Exclusive (Motivational Poetry)

in #poetry6 years ago


It has been quiet
Are you on a steemit diet

I am sure there is more
You can create others to adore

Don't you loose your grip
Got to continue this trip

Cause later you will regret
That for steemit you did forget

I am sure that you only gain
It is hard I know to explain

No one truly knows
Where the wind blows

So don't you care much
That others are out of touch

Be content with all that you do
This way you will act only true

Do not be quiet for long
Just make a freewrite or song

A poem or a story will do
No matter just try to be you

By Angel Veselinov

Hey all . I hope you had a great weekend . I had quite a lot of stuff on my mind. Also moving to the new apartment will take quite some of my time the next few weeks I suppose so . I hope I will be still able to make some stuff for ya guys. Well how this one made you feel? God Bless You . Peace and Love.


Image Credit : Link


Un saludo amigo @angelveselinov gracias por compartir tu poema.

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