Hold On Be Strong - An Orignal Poem Steemit Exclusive (Educational Poetry) (Motivational Poetry)

in #poetry6 years ago

Hold on be strong
Hold on it's been long

Hold on there's still time
Hold on keep on a straight line

Hold on no matter what
Hold on you're better than that

Hold on until it's all over
Hold on from the storm take cover

Hold on have no regrets
Hold on this is hard as it gets

Hold on and you will win
Hold on this is not an average sin

Hold on your time will come
Hold on until all losses are gone

Hold on this is the last rhyme
Hold on I am way past my time

Hold on and look for the future
Hold on and see what every moment nurture

Hold on that is your only chance
Hold on and through everything you can advance

Hold on there is much more
Hold on to all that you adore

Hold on just never stop
Hold on keep your wisdom to drop

Hold on don't leave me alone
Hold on I know your heart is like stone

Hold on until the end
Hold on be my only friend

By Angel Veselinov

Hey everyone. I am happy to be back again. It has been two days of real life and I got to say I have enjoyed every bit of them. Since I have come to steemit I did not have a break from it literally. I had been non stop here like 12 hours at least every day... That is part of how I got my rapid growing ...
So having a couple of days rest has been refreshing really. Also spending some great quality time with my family has done me good for sure. :)

I hope you like this new poem. It is sort of to remind us how we have to hold on to life ... and what are the gains from holding on. I really believe that holding on can be a great benefit for everyone... Well may it depends also on what you're holding on too ... :) So Do not hold on to things that are useless for you or everyone around you. Thank you all for reading feel free to leave your comments.

Wish you all great Sunday ... Here the weather is awesome. God Bless You all. Peace and Love.

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© Copyright CC0 Licensed (2015) - John Hain - Link Source (pixabay of unsplash)


Wonderful poem
welcome back

I enjoyed your poem @angelveselinov. it was good to have a rest and come back refreshed. Blessings.

Thanks . Yeah it is always good to have a rest... After all we are only human :) Hehe have to take care of ourselves as well. :)

Thanks for this..
Holding unto steemit despite the struggle and the dipping of sbd and steem.
Can't afford to give up.. Not now. Not ever

Yep that is right man ;) It will all come to a beautiful end for the last ones standing as usual :) If we endure the success is for sure :)

This is a very nice poem. I agree that we have to hold on to the important things, and never give up. But, it's also essential that we know what's worth holding onto and what needs to be let go!

Yep you are right.. It is stupid to hold on of bad habits and such things that you felt already are in the minus column for you...

That was beautiful. God job bro :D

HODL on. Nice poem. Positive thoughts. Thank you!

Thanks Jacob I was wondering :P About your podcast do you have written summary by any chance or a transcript ?

Excellent poem, I wish I could write something like that. A rest and recharge is always good - I'm impressed you have managed to find the time to fit 12 hours per day on Steemit - that's dedication!

Thank you sir. I am trying my best ... It has been quite a challenge to be able to remain so active ... With two kids and a wife really. But my sleep suffered a great decrease. Well it all paid off at least. I have found so many great people here. It is like actually there is so much more here than in RL to be honest... God Bless. Love and Peace. Thanks for the praise :) I am sure you can give it a try and write some poetry . I do believe everyone has a poet inside him. Just have to let it go out and explore the world :)

That is a really beautiful poem and says so much
Good rest and recharge is a great thing.
Just I'm the queen lady of doing just the opposite 😜 I totally suck.. Lol
You really have a way with words my friend.
Beautiful piece. Cheers 🤗


Angel, wonderful idea around which to build a poem. I love the fact that you're experimenting so much with Verse and, as I said on a different post, you're definitely getting better.

At some point soon ... I may actually start encouraging to go back to Free Verse! :-) :-)

Keep up the great work.

that was amazing dude, keep writing that's your thing.

Thanks man. I will for sure after so many great comments it will be a shame not to :) Thank you all for the inspiration....

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