Absorbed by the Transformation of Fire [An original poem with an Alchemical approach.]

in #poetry8 years ago (edited)

The Fire of the crucible burns bright,
and with potent force,
as the Season of the Moon approaches.

My Heart of hearts
feels your pain and
beseeches you
to lay down
your shields and toss
aside your swords!

Let the Fire burn, and
embrace the flames
as they dance upon your skin
and lick at your very soul.

Do not fear,
nor fret,
for this
is the Fire of transformation;
here to carry you
hand in hand
across the threshold of experience.

Blessed be, the eternal Fire.

Ora et Labora.


PALPABLE POPE Ypyskypo Skwyrl, the Y'sas
High Priest, Temple of Appled Thought
Alchemist for Trades

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Image Source: https://pixabay.com


Enjoyed, upvoted. I like that the poem sees beyond the destructive aspect of fire and dwells on its transformative powers. I use to make jewelry and always enjoyed seeing the impurities rise to the surface of melted silver and gold.

I've come to realize that we live in a reality where things have become polarized into dichotomies. It has been my goal to become aware of these dichotomies and see beyond them as they integrate wholly into my existence.
I haven't done any metallurgy, but I know what you reference and I can imagine it being wonderfully beautiful. Thank you for sharing and thank you for your detailed response. :)

I lick the moon part and like many parts of this having a love for fire and chemistry.

The moon and I are quite fond of one another. ;)

Maybe because it is (about) 108 moons away!
(comment/post #1300)

Nice imagery. I have trouble writing poetry of this style. :) Good work my friend.

Thank you for your appreciation. :)

This style works best for me when I free form a piece of prose and then reformat it into a poem setting.

it's a good one

Thank you for your appreciation! Do you mind telling me what you thought was good about this particular piece?

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