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RE: I Have Chosen to Walk the Path of Fire

in #poem6 years ago

Glad you like it :-)
I think I had this picture in mind - one where a part of you can be soft while a part hard and another a little brittle and perhaps some of it was even missing............ I don't know


Just ponder on the idea a bit more, fire hardens wooden spear point, helps us refine metal for swords...makes diamonds out of charcoal...when we go through the fire of adversity we have the choice to crumble or become a diamond...<3

That is essentially the truth. To be or not be can be is in the hands of fate but to choose to be what you want to be is at the end a choice. If its a hard one and yet persistence is your motto.......... I think sky could be the limit.

I found one thing to be true in life, I can’t control lifembut I can control how I react 😁

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