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RE: Some epic fails in this race, but none as epic as mine.

in #poecomp5 years ago

Thanks for participating, mate. Great to have you onboard, sorry you didn't do better this time; but we'd love to have you back for the next one. Consider hanging around, posting and commenting on gaming content generally, and the #pathofexile tag specifically in the meantime.
I feel like this game and this chain were made for each other.


thank you, so much even if I lost my characters there were no regrets ( but augmentation orbs ) I was really happy participating, thanks to this event I have the chance to relive that feeling when everything going wrong but never giving in while doing our best with a big smile against the hardships of life, and that is a way of life in itself I'll end this comment with a quote from one piece that I guess fit the Hardcore experience
"When the world shoves you around, you've gotta stand up and shove back. It isn't like you can do anything just by giving excuses. If I die then I am just a man who can only make it this far." -Roronoa Zoro.

Brilliant insight.
That's the thing with hardcore. Softcore feels like a movie to me now.
If I put in the time in front of the screen, I know I'm going to see the full story.
It barely even feels like I'm participating in the experience.
Great to have your smile along for the journey.

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