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RE: And we're done. Congratulations @beercake on a resounding victory.

in #poecomp7 years ago

Wooooo ! Thank you @mattclarke for making this competition!
My highest level character before this was lvl 60 shadow... and it was like 2 years ago :D
I ended the league with 44k tooltip dps and 6.1k life, around 500 life/s regen. Honestly - I think my butt has developed new muscle groups from all this clenching. I had always died to Kitava before so this was a huge achievement for me on it's own. I'll admit that being able to trade helped me a little. Buying a decent weapon and armor gave some decent protection.

Originally I wasn't planning to get the ascendancy branch which granted stun immunity but after one Canyon map where the boss almost stunlocked me to death I decided to sacrifice dmg for stun immunity.
And of course one of the challenge was balancing life/gaming time.

After all this I regret nothing. Monsters were slain, midnight hours burnt and steem won :)

Thank you mattclarke again for this contest. Let's drink to next one being bigger and better!


Top effort, beercake. It's been a pleasure having you in the competition.
Ironically I think playing only hardcore, as I do, would kill my chances in a competition like this.
I have no idea what happens after Avarius, and learning by dying is a real slow strategy in hardcore :)
I look forward to revisiting the concept when the next League arrives.

Congratulations on the win! I hope to see you next time.

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