[Revised] I'm fed up. I quit! Why?...

in #podcasts8 years ago (edited)

Last year I hosted a podcast series called The StartUp. I recorded 6 episodes and then I quit. Why?

The StartUp

The podcast focused on entrepreneurs who are in the midst creating a startup. I wanted to learn about the products and services being offered. Also, I wanted to understand the mindset of an entrepreneur and discuss the many challenges faced while running a startup.

Reasons for Quitting

  1. Time - It takes approximately 10 - 12 hours to produce a 1 hour podcast episode.
  2. Limited creativity - I published my podcast on another platform that wanted me to stay within the Bitcoin subject matter. I wanted to add a bit more content diversity. I had to adhere to their publication guidelines in order to get the greatest visibility by being featured on the front page. Without the increased visibility, many people would not hear my podcast.
  3. Profit - I did not make any money for the production of the podcast series. This combined with the previous two reasons was the determining factor in my decision to quit.

Content Creators Problems

I believe many content creators can identify with my experience. It takes a great amount of time and effort to create content.

Tools for creating content is available to everyone. Consequently, the amount to content created on a daily basis is staggering. This makes for a very noisy and competitive environment. Being heard above the noise is difficult.

If your content is consumed, it may not be adequately rewarded because it is tied to click advertising or an affiliate model.

Is Steemit a solution for me?

As a member of the Steem community, I'm excited to try an experiment of posting my podcasts here. I'm not quite sure it will make a difference, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

The StartUp - Episode 1 - Spells of Genesis

You can listen to the first episode. It is an interview with Adam B. Levine of Letstalkbitcoin.com.


I listened to your conversation with Adam B. Levine and this was my impression: it would be much more beneficial if you played the devil's advocate a bit more and challenged your guest to defend his ideas.

For example, my attention was aroused when you asked Adam how his token rewards were any better than credit cards. If instead you let him talk for 10 minutes about all those little details of his token system - it's obvious that he wants to talk about them all day long but that's not really interesting for a causal listener like me.

Thanks for the feedback. It was my first interview. I'll be posting a new podcast soon. Thanks for listening. I appreciate it.

Post your blockchain-related content with the tag beyond bitcoin and I will gladly look through it and ask the beyond bitcoin community to consider it for upvotes as well :)

Steemit is doing well for us and I have some plans to use much of what I earn here in the early years toward strengthening the propositions for writers, podcasters and more. Trust me man I know what you mean....and most people have no clue. Quite sad really that podcasting is so hard to make money from...I actually probably lost a few thousand dollars (and paid taxes on delegate pay) to do our hangouts for years now. But then again at the same time I can say it was more worth the money than anything I can think of at present because it is going to directly contribute to a better world for all of us... :)

Thanks Fuzzy! I just updated the tag. I've thought about creating an investing podcast which features crypto and equities trading, initial crowd offerings, and other investment interests. Not sure if I'll go forward with it though. Again thanks.

You do realize we are looking to build beyond bitcoin into a network of such shows so others can leverage the brand to help our entire community!
I would love to have a hangout with you about it if you ever do. Everyone has their own talents and my dream is to have multiple awesome blockchain based shows in the beyond bitcoin network that cover various blockchain techs that can help bitshares and all of us to grow.

Oh and btw, if you or anyone else provides good blockchain-related content and provides the tag "beyondbitcoin", I will be more likely to see and upvote it. :)

Is it possible to post so that you don't have to leave Steemit? I think you'll get more listeners that way, but nice start; look forward to hearing more.


I've updated the post. Now you can listen to the podcast without leaving Steemit. Thanks for the suggestion.

Btw, I've posted the 2nd episode. https://steemit.com/podcasts/@pairmike/the-startup-episode-2-spells-of-genesis-mobile-gaming-on-the-blockchain

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