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RE: Pocket Protocol

in #pocket7 years ago (edited)

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something because I'm new here, but why create a sub-currency on top of a blockchain that already has a currency? Why not just use the native currency?

Edit: I understand how Dapps built on top of blockchains can have their own tokens and whatnot, but I guess I'm just wondering what Pocket is supposed to do that Steem doesn't already do. If you're just using it to transfer value, why not just tip people w/SBD? This isn't a knock on the idea, I'm just trying to understand what I'm not comprehending.


I did it because it's a simple Dapp that people would already understand. The point of Pocket is threefold:

  1. Show that it can be done, particularly without the involvement of anybody at Steemit
  2. Learn what to do, what not to do (etc.) with subchains.
  3. Have fun trying out a cool project.

Not really intending to change the world with Pocket per se; but I'm hoping it will inspire and spawn some really interesting stuff.

Cool, makes sense. Thank you.

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