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RE: Playwright Workshop?

Love a good binge. ^_^

Funny, I was just thinking about ways one could bring a stage play to life in a digital medium... And of course: Voice actors and animation!

But instead of animating it like it's a screenplay, actually make the setting a stage... animate the set changes... have the character obey stage directions, etc.
Ooo, even record the voice actors all in one take as if it's an actual stage performance! (that might be difficult to pull off, though)

Sort of a hybrid medium, I guess?
I wonder if someone has done this with a whole play yet... I know I've seen it done with bits of plays in video games and cartoons... Hmm... I may have to look into that...

On a different note, things are rolling along with the workshop. I just need to find two people to help moderate the channel. Would you be interested in helping with that?


That would be such a brilliant idea. Very interesting, I'd really love to see how it turns out. Very challenging. And I don't think it's been done yet.
Sure I'm interested! Count me in, sounds exciting. Quick question, what does moderating actually entail?

Sweet! In this case, since we'd only be "mini-mods" for this one channel, we'd be keeping the channel clean of spam and trolls, and helping people that are new to the playwright workshop. When you're available to do so, of course. ^_^

Are you on the MSP Discord yet? If so, I'm @PegasusPhysics there too, usually lurking in the fiction workshop, lol. If not, just follow the hotlink and I can help you get set up. ^_^

Oh sounds cool :) I am on Discord, but I haven't spent any time there...I was invited when I was new to Steemit and had no clue how to use it. Could still use a few tips as to what to do there ;)

Okay, cool. I can help you with that.
Do you have it downloaded? If not, I recommend doing that so you can access all the features. It's cross-platform. But if you have issues with the app, the browser version should be fine for the time being (just hit "Log In" at the top of the site).

Once you install it (or launch it if you already have it), log in with the credentials you used to sign up when you were first invited. Once logged in, the PALnet server icon should show up in your list of servers (usually on the far left).

From here, you can pop in the fiction workshop by clicking on its name in the list of channels (directly to the right of the server icon list) or find me in the user list and send me a direct message. It'll be a little easier to help you with technical stuff from there. ^_^

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