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RE: Playwright Workshop?

I'm interested too! I wrote a screenplay last year, more for fun than anything else, but I'm really into plays, so that might be really interesting.


Brilliant! Welcome! ^_^
What was the screenplay about?

Thank you! It was a very Pythonesque story...I've always been into comedy, especially British comedy, so I kinda let that inspire me. I loved it 'cause it was more of an experiment, so I was uninhibited and it came out great :))

Love all of that! Both Monty Python and Little Britain stopped my world when I stumbled upon them. And Sean of the Dead will always have a special place in my zombie-loving heart. ^_^
Did you ever get a chance to bring that screenplay to life?

Me too! I've been trying to watch the whole Little Britain for some time now, but haven't gotten the time to do it. I definitely will though. Have you seen Bottom? I was hooked on it when I wrote that play.
Sadly, no, but I certainly will one day.

Oh! Love Little Britain! That's where I got "Oh, he was gorgeous!" but hardly anyone catches the reference when I say it. ^_^;

Maybe just watch it bit by bit. I binged all of it that I could get my digital hands on and was sad when it was over lol.

I haven't seen Bottom. I'll have to look into that.

If you ever need actors, wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more ^_^

Ha! As it happens, I was just saying that I don't have the actors and the resources to direct the plays I'd like to direct, but I must admit I was thinking about my screenplay as well :D

Yes, you definitely must check out Bottom. It's life-changing. For me, The Young Ones was what started that whole mew phase in my life (Monty Python were already an old love by then)....and once I saw that, I was addicted. Rik Mayall is one of my gods now.
And yes, Little Britain is on my immediate watchlist as I am currently out of shows to binge. And what is life without a good binge?

Love a good binge. ^_^

Funny, I was just thinking about ways one could bring a stage play to life in a digital medium... And of course: Voice actors and animation!

But instead of animating it like it's a screenplay, actually make the setting a stage... animate the set changes... have the character obey stage directions, etc.
Ooo, even record the voice actors all in one take as if it's an actual stage performance! (that might be difficult to pull off, though)

Sort of a hybrid medium, I guess?
I wonder if someone has done this with a whole play yet... I know I've seen it done with bits of plays in video games and cartoons... Hmm... I may have to look into that...

On a different note, things are rolling along with the workshop. I just need to find two people to help moderate the channel. Would you be interested in helping with that?

That would be such a brilliant idea. Very interesting, I'd really love to see how it turns out. Very challenging. And I don't think it's been done yet.
Sure I'm interested! Count me in, sounds exciting. Quick question, what does moderating actually entail?

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