The Old Dog Presents: For The Same Medical Condition a Doctor vs. a Physiotherapist. Who Was Better?

in #plantarfasciitis8 years ago

My first steps were always excruciating and once I got going I couldn’t walk more than a few hundred meters before I started limping in pain! 

My Self Diagnosis Was Plantar Fasciitis 

  Once I had made my self-diagnosis (which turned out to be correct) I embarked on a long series of stretches and exercises that I found on the Internet. I’m a determined and persistent Old Dog but after about 6 months and with little or no improvement I resigned myself to seeing a medical Doctor. X-rays confirmed the presence of a heal spur and he sent me to a Dr. specializing in rheumatoid conditions for shockwave therapy.


Between the Doctor and the Physiotherapist there is a big difference with which the treatment was applied

  What Was The Treatment of The Medical Doctor Like?  

 After a five-minute consultation I was lead to the treatment room for about 3 minutes of shock wave therapy on the specific area of my heel where the spur had been found. No exercises were prescribed and no other treatments were discussed! This continued for 8 sessions at a cost of a whopping Frs 120 per appointment 

Final result: After spending almost $1000 I had improved by about 50%  


After suffering for another 6 months I decided to see a physiotherapist and the entire approach was very different.   

 What Was The Treatment of The Physiotherapist Like?  

At my first appointment I was asked many questions about the pain, exactly where it was and when it occurred. The therapist then did a very thorough examination of my entire leg and not just one spot on my heel.      

The same shockwave therapy was prescribed but this time he treated the heel, the underside of my foot, both sides of my Achilles tendon and the entire length of my calf. After the shock wave therapy he massaged the entire area, had me do stretches and then applied heat!  He also gave me exercises to do at home which has empowered me to take control of my own health to the extent that I am able!

The therapist has also used another treatment on me called dry needling but more about that another time. He spends about 30 minutes treating me each time that I go! Big difference!  So far we have had 5 of 8 sessions and the cost is $50 per visit. 

  Results so Far: My heel pain is almost completely gone and I still have a few appointments to go.  

The Shock Wave Therapy Machine. Very effective but used more thoroughly by the physiotherapist!

A Little Information About Plantar Fasciitis

image source

Shockwave Therapy: 

The shock waves are short, high amplitude pulses of mechanical energy which are similar to sound waves. They are generated by an electromagnetic coil or a spark in water. A similar technology using which uses higher energies is used to break up kidney and gallstones but it is called lithotripsy. 
Shockwave therapy is used to help heal tendon, joint and muscle conditions. double blind studies are reported as excellent. Some of the other conditions that are treated are chronic tendinitis of the knee, shoulder  pain, achilles tendinitis, hamstring tendinitis and plantar fasciitis. 

  The Big Difference Between The Doctor And The Physiotherapist 

  • The physiotherapist took more time and seemed to care about me more me as a person.
  • The physiotherapist took a more holistic approach in that he treated the entire lower leg and foot. 
  • The physiotherapist was much less expensive.     

 What About You?

  • Have yo ever suffered from plants-fasciitis?
  • Have you seen a big difference between the approach of an M.D. and physiotherapist
  • Is this type of treatment expensive where you live?

I hope that you enjoyed this comparison in treatments!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     


A good find and conclusion. You are 1000% correct in it.

The main difference is:

  • (almost every) medical doctor sees only her/his little garden and tries to eliminate the symptom, usually by brute force no matter the consequences,
  • (almost every good) physiotherapeut takes a holistic approach and tries very hard to find the root cause and then to eliminate it, all the time well aware that everything is interconnected - including your mental body

BTW: my wife is an excellent physiotherapeut so I am biased :)

Her main techniques are Tecar therapy, kinesiotaping and Bowen therapy. She does wonders and miracles with these three.

She would use Tecar therapy in your case, I think

Thanks for the personal experience. You must be well looked after!

Well ... You know the one about the blacksmith's horse :)

No, in the end it depends on you and your actions / decisions. The healers of any kind are there to recognise you and to help you. You heal yourself.

The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone For Your Nice Comment!

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Thanks a lot, I appreciate it!

In the meantime, that's why this late response, we were away for the weekend at the Hirudotherapy seminar. Another great tool to add to the options already available to help the patients ...

How exciting. It's always great to get away and learn new things!

WoW!!! Thanks for sharing because I am pretty sure there will be many people who will benefit from this post. I am glad you are on the mend!

Thanks @marymg2014!

@kus-knee you're better hahah
okay seriously I prefer the physio but to get to a physio here I need a letter of certification that I need that from a doctor.

I like the physio better but I didn't suffer from plantar fasciitis only RSI but I bought Dr. Ho's portable physio kit . Shorter than a year am fine :)
but I also ate properly ..
I hope you feel better soon Old Dog!

EDIT : maybe you need this in your case?

Hey Sir Bones - great post deserving a full up vote. I have since soccer life major knee issues which does not enable me anymore to do what i love which is all kind of team sports incl. a ball. 3 times cruciate ligament rupture plus meniscus - now had even issue with stairs - getting old and fat makes it even worse - have a doctor who was awesome helping me incl. shockwave - but shockwave my health org is not accepting so have to pay on my own even it is proven to help.

I hear you. I played hockey and American Football. Brutal on the body. Here my insurance does pay but only after the first $2000 dollars of my own many per year!

Ah yes, my sister-in-law had issues with this... it was made completely better with the help of a physical therapist and and a massage therapist.

It seems to me that many doctors are more concerned with treatment (which can sometimes "fix" things immediately) while physical therapists are more centered on actual healing.

Glad to hear that she got better. It was a long frustrating road but it looks good now!

I'm very impressed by this review. Thank you for putting it together in this way, from your own experiences. Very helpful.
I'm resteeming because I want to come back to this article for some other people I know who are dealing with the 5 minute Doctor approach for their hardships. I hope the look into some physiotherapists too.
Thank you!

Thanks for taking the time both to visit, resteem and comment!

The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone For Your Nice Comment!

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Remember: I reward the best comments on all of my posts so continue to follow me and tell your friends!

  • I do not know how to said this. In my opinion, this is about "touch". Doctor sometimes have concern in medicine and drugs so that's why so expensive. Mostly doctor merely depend on drug to cure a patient. In fact not all drug that doctor give to patient is need to cure a pain.
  • Psyshiotherapist focused on body and treatment to your bone and muscle. They know about function how your ankle , joints, bone and ankle work exaclty. So they try to train and back your ankle, joints and musle work on normal way.
  • So I think only about " touch". Doctor and psysiotherapist have more or less "touch".

    Sorry for my " mumbo jumbo" English. :)

    Message received, understood and appreciated!

    I'm just glad that you feel better because​ that's more important! All the doctors have their purpose and their methods to heal! Glad you find the right one Old Dog!

    Thanks @the-future

    There's a man named Eustace Mullins who wrote a book called Death By Injection (You can find it in video/lecture form on Y-Tube). In it he states that medical doctors are basically quacks who have shoved homeopathic practitioners aside (by legal means). Now, they're just shills for Big Pharma- I'm surprised you didn't walk out with a fist full of prescriptions.

    Eustace Mullins, now you're talking. I've read the book and watched all of his lectures that I could find! Love him!

    I could watch him all day (I actually have), I love his homespun speaking style. When he was talking about the start of the Russian Revolution and the conversation between King George and Baron Rothschild..."Hey King, let's kill Nick and take his dough."

    ....maybe if you didn't wear high heels quite so often, you wouldn't be in this predicament.


    Have you been wire tapping me because I don't have a T.V. :)

    Nah, I used your microwave. ;)

    That reply is worth a bone lol @kus-knee @rigaronib

    The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone For Your Nice Comment!

    Please check your wallet!

    Remember: I reward the best comments on all of my posts so continue to follow me and tell your friends!

    Thanks so much, Old Dog! :)

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