Another whale Plagiarist- @stan

in #plagiarist8 years ago (edited)

So I came across a post on the hot page by Stan.

look at this paragraph:

"Everybody likes the United States. Well, I’m not sure I do, because they so often conflate the United States with the U.S. government. Talking heads will say, “The U.S. did this. The U.S. should do that.” Wait a minute. Do they mean the nation-state that lies in between Canada and Mexico, or do they mean the U.S. government? They’re almost always talking about the U.S. government. So, they’re conflating the U.S. itself, a conglomeration of 300 million people, with the U.S. government.

It is copy paste from

Not a week goes by that another whale/dolphin gets busted for being a plagiarist. -SMH-

This shit is getting annoying as fuck.
Look at this fucker!

These are the people pulling the scams not the minnows. Fuck this shit pisses me off. over 300 followers, 3-4 bucks minimum a post and its all from a plagiarist.

Why is this shit not getting treated like the other people getting flagged to shit?
is it Because he has steem power?

And I get shit when I chop up pictures to use in a fair use post? Some one needs to fix this shit.

First line in the post says its all a quote with a link.
So I guess it is ok to copy pasta full posts as long as you put a link to where you stole your whole post word for word from. but use a free to use pict without posting link and flagged!


No problem.
Thanks for advertising some of my best original content.
There's a ton of it.
99% of the funds in my wallet are those earned from this original content.

Occasionally I run across something too good not to share and point people to a sample of it out there on the web.

But please check out the ratio of original content to quotes. Its like 100 to 1.

Meanwhile, I just looked at your recent post;

And most of your posts, now that I look at it are overwhelmingly links to other people's work.

Quite a hair trigger you have there.

How can I believe any of it is really original with the amount of scamming that goes on with steemit?

My work is not other peoples work unless your talking about when I link to videos just like your post.

I would like you to provide proof of copy pasta of anything that does not fall under fair use.

Maybe you don't understand how fair use law works after claiming you post fell under it. I will give you the benefit of the doubt for sake of argument on that. but besides the videos I have posted with a little talking about (same as your post) what have I made that is "overwhelmingly other peoples work"?

If you can not provide proof I would like an apologie for making false statements.

Yes I already admitted you left a link and said it was a quote. when I make mistakes I accept it and learn from it.

Can you do the same about your false claims?

Feel free to Google any of my content to see if you find a match if you want to play investigative reporter.

The Proof: Check your blog for the number of places where your post consists of a single line introducing a link to somebody's video. Compare that the the percent of times I've done that.

I have no objection to what you've done. It just seems hypocritical that you would make a big stink about the one time I do it when your blog is overflowing with the same perfectly useful aggregation service.

ok I do not need to check your posts because im not making statements about any of them. I only said that I don't trust shit because the amount of scamming on here.

Google searching is not a smart way to check for a match.

I said I do that and asked for proof of anything other then those rare posts.
if you look back at them I usually post more then one line with them too.
you must have looked at the most recent one from a couple nights ago when I was drunk.

but the number of times I have made a post about a vid compared to the number of time you have copy and pasted a post has nothing to do with the fact that you are saying my posts are overwhelming nothing but one line links or how now your saying my posts are overflowing with the same thing.

maby you think the 2 vids I linked in the last 2 weeks compared to the 4+ posts a day I do to be overwhelming amount or that its just overflowing with copy paste.

I already said it and I feel like im on repete and you just like acting a fool.
I said you posted a link and you said it was a quote. I admitted I was wrong.

fucking swear.

You on the other hand are still making false accusations and lies.
Maby you think when someone mirrors a vid after getting asked to do so that it is copy pasta idk.

keep up with the blab blab blab and trying to red herring the fact that you are making claims that are false. and I will repete myself again saying I already said you said it was a quote and you provided a link.

none of it changes anything. -smh-

ps how do I get that anon bot to upvote anything I say or do on steemit? 3 cents no mater what per comment is nice. lol

What are you talking about?
The post is a fair use quote with proper attribution in the very first line, including a link to the rest of the article.

It's not cheating. I think the issue is misunderstood. Maybe..

All he did was quote and state it was a quote. It's not a commentary, which maybe it should be.

It's interesting none the less and without looking back at past posts, this post is kinda lazy journalism to get votes.

Masteryoda got nailed pretty hard for pretty much the same this but he didn't have tons of steem power to back him up.

ummm, no.
I agree you added a link and said it was a quote but that does not make it fall under fair use.

To be fair use it has to be a post that is commentary, search engines, criticism, parody, news reporting, research, or scholarship. your post is none of them. you did the equivalent of posting a video someone elese made saying I like this vid with a link. It does not fall under fair use.

But I did say you added a link and said it was a quote and I edited my post to say it at the bottom.

I can see where you are coming from after all the flagging that you were subjected to.

I'm glad that you made it through that battle successfully.

Only because of the people on steemit trying to support me.

I'm all about exposing plagiarism, but this is not a case of plagiarism, and @stan is not a whale.

The first two lines of the post from @stan clearly state:

       Here's a quote from Doug Casey that I liked.
       Source: Doug Casey on the Recent Corruptions of the English Language

This is the link that @stan provided where he stated the "source"

As many users agree, it is best to add some personal insight or opinion to any video or text that you are linking and posting, which @stan did not do, but he did give proper credit and only wanted to share a quote that he liked.

Sharing a quote you like is not covered by fair use.

The post is nothing but a copy and paste quote besides that the only thing not copy pasta is him saying I like this quote and a link.

I fixed my post to say he had a link and said it was a quote but it does not fall under fair use like he is claiming and he does not have written concent by the original creator to use the work.

So it is what it is. He has a link where he copied it from but that is the only thing one could say was original work n the whole post.

People that use free to use picts in their posts get flagged for not posting links but pure copy pasta with link provided is ok I guess.

not bad thing just gives me ideas on stuff to do now that I know steemit is ok with this type of stuff.

Sharing a quote you like is not covered by fair use

Fair use or not (only a court can decide), this is not plagiarism.

Your post is a false accusation and I'm flagging it for that reason.

Fair use or not (only a court can decide), this is not plagiarism.

What is it, only a court can decide or you can? If only a court can decide then you can not say it isn't plagiarism because only a court can say if it falls under fair use and if not it is plagiarism.

Your post is a false accusation and I'm flagging it for that reason.

I edited the post long before you flagged it and it says he left a link and said it was a quote.
I have said to stan publicly in the comments that it was my mistke and changed the post. He is the one claiming its fair use, not me.

I will ask to please remove the flagg. I would rather not do a huge post about Plagiarism laws and fair use. I doubt I will anyways the shit bores me and I already have to deal with it to much as it is.
Are you in return flagging his comments accusing me of the same thing you are saying I am getting flagged for?
Maybe your just protecting him because he has a lot of steem power and that anon bot thing with crazy steem power?

I think I have another reply from you I will get to it soon.

Of course you did. specifically the flagging whales are why I am leaving before I even got started. Just remember, you don't always know who has what influence before you say your peice. You should look at your comments chain to see how easy it is to get under a whales skin around here.

Keep in mind it's a three paragraph quote from a much larger two-part article by Doug Casey.

This is done everywhere on the internet by content aggregators of all kinds. It's fair because it brings traffic to the original author by highlighting something and calling it to other people's attention. Much like a retweet or a resteem in net effect.

It might be fair in your opinion but does not fall under fair use law.
That is nice it brings him traffic but that is the only reason it is ok to use when it does fall under fair use and your post is not made in the form of something that would be considered fair use.

So no matter how much traffic you bring him it does not change the laws.

Your post is not commentary, search engines, criticism, parody, news reporting, research, or scholarship so no matter how much traffic you bring him it does not change anything.

whatever though, I said you left a link and said it was a quote. lol

Yeah, I was unaware of the 80% thing myself, although I rarely used text from others and still take all my own photos and make my own images.

Some folks put you through a lot with all that flagging, so I know where you are coming from.

On a side note, I bet @stan will be adding more of his own thoughts and opinions in posts where he shares quotes, thanks to you.

I agree, the whole post lacks any original content after the first two lines.

No one can disagree with that.

The 80% thing I can only say 100% for sure is for video. I would have to think text would be the same if not more so considering sentence structure can be plagurised without using the same words.

I now have stan saying

most of your posts, now that I look at it are overwhelmingly links to other people's work.

I guess me saying my bad and I was wrong wasent good enough. -smh-

oh well. lol

Life goes on, at least we are all learning.

Flagged as a false accusation. Linked post is not plagiarism.

Fair use or not (only a court can decide), this is not plagiarism.

What is it, only a court can decide or you can? If only a court can decide then you can not say it isn't plagiarism because only a court can say if it falls under fair use and if not it is plagiarism.

Your post is a false accusation and I'm flagging it for that reason.

I edited the post long before you flagged it and it says he left a link and said it was a quote.
I have said to stan publicly in the comments that it was my mistke and changed the post. He is the one claiming its fair use, not me.

I will ask to please remove the flagg. I would rather not do a huge post about Plagiarism laws and fair use. I doubt I will anyways the shit bores me and I already have to deal with it to much as it is.
Are you in return flagging his comments accusing me of the same thing you are saying I am getting flagged for?
Maybe your just protecting him because he has a lot of steem power and that anon bot thing with crazy steem power?

I just copied and pasted my last response to you because my answer is the same to this reply.

What is it, only a court can decide or you can? If only a court can decide then you can not say it isn't plagiarism because only a court can say if it falls under fair use and if not it is plagiarism.

Plagiarism is a word with a common English definition (which in this case, the post and person you targeted does not satisfy). Fair use is a complex legal determination based on a balancing of factors. The two are not the same.

I would rather not do a huge post about Plagiarism laws and fair use

We agree that you should probably not do this.

Maybe your just protecting him because he has a lot of steem power and that anon bot thing with crazy steem power?


will ask to please remove the flagg.

Then completely remove the accusation, including in the title. Making such a false accusation is harassment and entirely flag-worthy.

I think a whale dick is called a dork. or a tleast that's what I remember everyone saying it was when I was a kid.

Harrassment now?
Your flagging is harassment.
Everything is fucking harassment, its the new problematic. -smh-

Why shouldn't I make a post about actual laws according to this shit your trying to enforce on a platform that is 90% plagiarism because of not getting written concent from the original content maker to use when something does not fall under fair use?

What you are telling me with this whole argument is as long as I put the link and say it is a quote I can copy paste the whole law book if I like and never put another single piece of text in it.
If we are really going to push this Ill Just start posting a book a day with only me saying I like this book and a link to where it is copyed from.

is that not Plagiarism?
If not then ok. I know what I can do now. long huge copy pasta of plagiarism laws, all of them. shit might as well do every court case from the beginning. I think ill call it "The history of plagiarism" with every court case transcripted just copypasta. and thanks to you saying its not plagiarism I will make sure to leave a thank you smoot for telling me I can do this at the beginning and end of every post.

If it is Plagiarism to do that, what is the difference from what the other post is?

I already edited it long before you started in with your flaggot bullshit and it is said a bunch of times in the comments. Im not editing anything else. nothing in it is false considering this has come down to opinion not laws to you.

Leave the flag but I will be making a flaggot post about it if you do. I do not care anymore. I noticed you didn't answer if you were doing the same to him for making the same accusatitions. but you do go to the next line as say your not protecting him because of steempower . why not do the same to his comments or remove the flags unless you are protecting him?

Im board of this dribble of you trying to enforce crap . do what you do and ill do what I do.

Cant wait to hear back about the new history of Plagiarism series after every Plagiarism law ever written. Get Paid to copy past might be the next new big steem saying for promotion. :O Ill be rich from memes

why not do the same to his comments

Comments are not the same as posts. Most of his comments, frankly, I didn't even read.

long huge copy pasta of plagiarism laws, all of them. shit might as well do every court case from the beginning. I think ill call it "The history of plagiarism" with every court case transcripted just copypasta

If done in volume that would be spam or flooding, both well-recognized forms of abuse.

Copy-paste, while widely disliked, if properly credited is not plagiarism. It might also be likely copyright infringement and be considered to be bad for the platform, so people may downvote it. That's more a matter of interpretation on a case-by-case basis. There is no objective definition of these things nor a clear well-defined line that can be drawn.

Yes there is "objective definition of these things" and you are only proving you are protecting stan from the same outcome of many others that have done the same as him and been flagged off this site because of it.

I will be making a post about your flaggot actions and how you are hipocritiacly protecting one person for copy pasta while at the same time threating me if I do the same.

I will also be doing a bunch of copy pasta from now with notes and screen shots to your quotes saying it is ok so the whole of steemit knows that smooth is saying you can do it.

This idea that you have changed the whole argument from a plagiarism argument into now abuse and earlier harassment just shows you are trying to red herring the situation without actually confronting the actual situation.

Thank you for proving to myself and steemit as a whole that the whales and dolphins protect each other when breaking the rules and at the same time threaten others for doing the same thing they do.

You keep trying to say what the "rules" are but have no problem breaking laws while standing up for the law breakers that have a nice bank roll. you can say "im not doing that" but your actions say otherwise.

I have watched many people get flagged to shit for less then stan has done.

My post has nothing but truth in it and the fact that you are trying to censor the post when all it does is show what happened and has been edited before you even entered into this to show he says its a quote and a put a link shows you are targeting me for whatever reason and not actually caring about the "reasons" that you are doing all this.

I will be sure to post a link to all the posts I make about you and our actions so you can look them over and flag me more to prove my point more.

Get ready for a shit ton of "Smooth told me I can do it" memes. I have been through this before on steemt and all this is doing is making me concentrate more on the stupidity of the people in power on steemit instead of making comics and funny stories. I guess that is what you and the rest of steemit want.

So have fun crying about abuse and harassment all the while supporting copy pasta of whales and dolphins doing it and telling others if they do it they will get flagged. you are killing steemit and you don't even realize. but whateer you have something to lose and I don't. Expect to be the center of my next posts for your flaggot behavior and hypocritical protection of whales/dolphins but holding minnows to a different set of rules.

haven't even been awake 10 min I need some fucking coffee.

yeah only whale lives matter.

Maybe, im not sure but he has been caulght. hopefully word spreads. lol

This entire site and everything it stands for has now been reported to SEC. Only difference from the other 30 reports I saw... I know people there.

hmm.... but you may have accidentally given free advertisement for this person.
I shall go there to [Mute] :-)

the beggining of his post says its a quote.
so I guess it is ok to copy pasta as long asyou say where you stole the text from. lol

that's whack. other dolphins have been flagged for less. weird.

he says it is all one quote in the beginning so I guess They consider it ok.


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