What Happens To An Academic Mentor Or Supervisor Who Threatens To Publish Her Student's Original Article?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #plagiarism7 years ago (edited)

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Those who are familiar with the academia know fully well that the issue of  plagiarism is one that is often frowned upon by both professors and research students alike. More often than not,  the professor warns  his/her student not to plagiarize. What now happens when it is the case of the professor threatening to publish his student's intellectual property? How can the student even find out, let alone get justice, assuming the threat is eventually carried out?

My  Academic Mentor/Supervisor Threatened To Publish My Original Article

I am a doctoral research student of Public health at the University of Belgrade School of Medicine, Serbia. Due to the nature of my field of research in clinical human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), I didn't chose a mentor from the department of Public health, but from Pharmacology. Let me state for the record that I have been working with this mentor for the past 6 years (actively for 3 years, since the rule here is that a student cannot proceed to begin research work if he/she hasn't passed course work). While the period for course work was supposed to last for  3 semesters, mine lasted for five (5), because of language barrier and serious health challenges, which I faced that led to my gynecological surgery in 2015. That is a true life story of physical pain to blog about another day. I finally finished course work (8 courses) in the first quarter of  2014, with a cumulative grade of 8.13 on a 10 point scale, despite all the challenges of language (Serbian language was the language for instruction during my course work) and health. Practically ill for about a year (2014 to 2015) up to the period of my surgery in April 2015, I still managed (in pain) to do some calculations of the data generated for my research work. When I healed from surgery, I began working actively again and was able to produce the manuscript of my very first original scientific article, ready to be submitted for publication.  Late last year, in my mentor's office, she told me that if I didn't submit the manuscript of my first original scientific article, after a couple of days, she would go ahead to publish it without including my name. This experience with my mentor and that of  working with a terrible boss at the Embassy of Nigeria, in Serbia, makes me relate well to what @stellabelle wrote in the introductory part of her post - EXPLAIN DELEGATED PROOF OF STAKE LIKE I'M 5

 Just think about how many asshole bosses there are out in the world. 

Source: https://steemit.com/witness/@stellabelle/explain-delegated-proof-of-stake-like-i-m-5

 The  article in question is one which I worked hard to produce almost the whole of 2016. The consequence of that action, which my mentor threatened to carry out, is that I will  lose out and have to start all over again to write a new paper. Can you imagine a mentor threatening to publish and own her student's intellectual property, with impunity? 

I have been wanting to write about this challenge, which I expressed displeasure about in the AfricaUnited group in steemit.chat. Upon discovery that @turpsy is a doctoral research candidate like I am, though we are in different fields, I opened up about the challenge that I was facing in school. However, I can't remember going to the extent to discuss details of the challenge. The chat was about the fact that my mentor was not cooperating and her behavior is impeding my growth towards achieving my doctoral degree, the reason why I left my home country, Nigeria to Serbia. Reading @oluwoleolaide's recent post, WHY PEOPLE PLAGIARIZE, MY FINDINGS, I am inspired to write to pour out my frustration here on this blog.  Perhaps, I will find more solutions to the challenge moving forward. I THINK SOLUTIONS, RATHER THAN SPEND MY PRECIOUS TIME DISCUSSING PROBLEMS. Truth is that, for me, discussing problems/challenges only, without finding solutions, drains me of positive energy that would have been channeled into being productive. So, I have thought about some solutions already and have started working on them. Moreover, I wouldn't mind getting more from my fans, who would read this post . 

In @oluwoleolaide's post, he states six (6) reasons why he thinks people plagiarize 

Lack of Confidence
Devoid of ideas/skills
Attention seeking
Little/dead consience
Less attention to details

Source: https://steemit.com/writing/@oluwoleolaide/why-people-plagiarize-my-findings

My first response to his post reads below

maryfavour 60  ·  1 hour ago
By now, @oluwoleolaide, you and many others know my take on plagiarism. I detest it with all of my being. It is stealing someone else's intellectual property. Let this statement, which I'm making, remain on the blockchain. My mentor/supervisor, a full academic professor, threatened sometime last year, to publish my original scientific article which I struggled to write for almost 1 year. The categories where I will place her reasons for thinking to plagiarize my work, with impunity, are greed, dead conscience and permit me to add wickedness and witchcraft. I will overcome all obstacles on my pathway to success. God has created me to be unstoppable and a winner all the time.

Source: https://steemit.com/writing/@oluwoleolaide/why-people-plagiarize-my-findings

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Sources of content which are not mine have been properly cited. The lovely customized divider and badge was designed for me by @outhori5ed and  @jodipamungkas respectively. Contact them, if you need any of the designs. 



In sincerity, search for justice and more solutions, I ask what happens to an academic mentor or supervisor who threatens to publish her student's original scientific article?

Please, leave your comments in the reply section below. I would like to hear your views and thoughts. Thank you.

Follow @maryfavour and @redfishpillar



Thanks for reading!


This is really sad and another confirmation that it happens in other part of the world and not in Nigeria alone.

It is annoying to see these lecturers who taught us how to reference works properly from Kate Turabian to APA style to steal our intellectual properties.

This actually happened to a senior colleague in school whose project was published by a lecturer and he claimed ownership of it. When the student knew about it, the school quickly killed the story and begged the student to let go because that would mean the end of the lecturer's career.

You need to go to her office next time with a record tape (or take pictures in her office), make sure you have witnesses too. If she gave you the topic or approved it after you submitted it, that is also another evidence that it is yours. Then keep the original work you wrote safe. All these should get her FIRED!

What i fear is the consequence of that because these people always stay behind their colleagues. But God has ways of doing things. You might get a new and honest supervisor.

But if she did publish the work and claim ownership of it, try consider the consequence of your next action. For me, i will make sure she goes down with the act.

Thank you and sorry for having this experience.

Thank you, @smyle for coming around. It is really sad annoying

This actually happened to a senior colleague in school whose project was published by a lecturer and he claimed ownership of it. When the student knew about it, the school quickly killed the story and begged the student to let go because that would mean the end of the lecturer's career.

Oh my goodness! The school killed the story? If I were the student, I wouldn't let go. That they were begging the student to let go for the lecturer's career not to end would have pointed to the fact that the lecturer had violated the intellectual property rights of the student.

Exactly! It is a case of man-know-man in this part of the world.

I have an audio record of the last meeting which we had in her office. That is one evidencd. Yes she approved the research topic. I can't wait to see justice is being met out in this case. She deserves to be FIRED!
Hmm..consequence? What can be worse than a student being on the verge of losing her scholarship? At this stage, I think I should damn all consequences and pursue justice.

Very good ma! Since you have those things, you are good to go then! I wish you all the best ma! 👍

I am a victim of such wicked acts from academic supervisors. I thought it only happens here. I will put you in my prayers. God's directions and wisdom be with you

It's terrible, my sister. Wicked acts is even an understatement. No oo...it does't only happen in Nigeria. I have come to witness it here is Serbia now, first hand. The situation has forced me to go and start reading about Socialism. Serbia was a socialist republic from 1945 to 1992. They used to be communists too. My academic survival in this place, I think, will somehow depend on my understanding of their political affiliations. Please, I really your prayers. Thanks and God bless, dear.

I am really surprised to know such people exist in the Academia. In my own experience, the supervisors leave you to write, and then he/she can proof read your work. He/she will even advice you to look for reputable publishing house in which you might submit your journal. Although, supervisors might send it for publication since she/he might be an authority in such field, but with your name as a co-author.
Also, i can only imagine the kind of feelings you would have had, being an international student. Its frustrating when we have such bosses.
I would like to suggest that you have a one on one meeting with her and discuss this issue, probably have it recorded (audio/video recorder).
If she is not going to allow for peace and give you the credit and the first author in this case, you might need to escalate it to higher authorities by officially informing them.
I really feel the stress you must have gone through. Many times I wonder if you are super human, combining PhD with active blogging. It aint easy, but you are doing excellent. I hope this get solved as soon as possible. 6 years of PhD is not joke.

Glad to know that you are here, @turpsy. What I have written on this blog today is a tiny bit of the frustration that I have here. Actually, in the next 2 weeks, I'll be 7 years old in Serbia. There was a preparatory year for Serbian language diploma course, before 6 years at the faculty.

I would like to suggest that you have a one on one meeting with her and discuss this issue, probably have it recorded (audio/video recorder).

Thank you for reminding me of something. The last meeting I had in her office, I recorded the conversation we had during the meeting from start to finish. Thank God for dsound.audio . I will just upload it so that remains immutable on the steemit blockchian.

It's just a shame. I have actually reported to higher authorities and was advised to apply for change of supervisor ASAP, which I did. At the end of the day, when I sought for academic advise, the response I got was

Oh Mary, yes you can apply for a change of mentor. It is your right as a student, but not recommended. What??? That means that they've decided that I stick with a mentor, who pretends to be willing to help me, but does everything in her power to stall my progress.

Hmm... yes 6 years of PhD is no joke! I am tired of PhD student status. This is not comparing myself to others, but all my contemporaries, with whom I did masters degree at UNN, have long forgotten that have PhDs. What they are working towards now is becoming senior lecturers in the various universities where they lecture back home in Nigeria. Sometimes, I really regret coming to this country.

There was a preparatory year for Serbian language before the 6 years at the faculty.

This is really not a good experience i will wish someone not even a known enemy, both at home and abroad. Ordinarily PhD is like a big mountain, having this kind of issue is just unimaginable, i must guess, you have had good support from family and friends. If not person for don abandon the programme face another thing o.

I will just upload it so that remains immutable on the steemit blockchian.

This might be something worthy of keeping.

That means that they've decided that I stick with a mentor, who pretends to be willing to help me, but does everything in her power to stall my progress.

I am now utterly disappointed at this point in such system. And of course, no one will suggest starting again after 6 years of active research.

I am tired of PhD student status.

Its no pride. Does your supervisor has a Prof she listens to?

This is not comparing myself to others, but all my contemporaries, with whom I did masters degree at UNN, have all forgotten that have PhDs.

Definitely, 6 years is enough to get a Doctorate degree. Well, such might be an opportunity for something bigger soon. But as is it, she is a force whose Joy is fueled by you staying under her for so long. If they have a national body, like ASUU, or NUC or an active minsitry of education, or women affairs, you might want to consider those. Also, some MFM style might be re-visited.

Methinks it is a mere bluff. However if the mentor is serious to take on the threat I guess you should report to appropriate authorities.

I know here in Nigeria of the SERVICOM services in most universities, they are always ready to take up such cases from students being bullied or threaten. It is so unfortunate that most students don't know about this organization.

My guess is that there will be something similar to the SERVICOM service of there. It is just left for you to find out.

I would have really helped more on your rights as regards intellectual property, but it is a final year course I am yet to offer.

Just try the above, and speak to a counselor too if time and chance would permit you one. All the best.

Methinks it is a mere bluff. However if the mentor is serious to take on the threat I guess you should report to appropriate authorities.

Glad to see you here, @gunneresq. Personally, I don't think it was mere bluff. She may have been doing it to other students and getting away with it. If I ever get to see my work, my sweat published elsewhere, she'll be surprised the level I plan to take it to. Thank you for recommending SERVICOM. I've always heard of servicom, but had no idea that they deal with issues such as mine.

SERVICOM is about ensuring that the services one was employed to do was carried out to the latter and effectively.

Some announcement by my university board has also extended it to sexual harassment, bullying by lecturers and threats from them.

The notice to publish your work falls under the same category. However it has specific reference to Intellectual property law, which I regret not to be of help now.

SERVICOM is about ensuring that the services one was employed to do was carried out to the latter and effectively.

Yes, I know this much about the primary reason why servicom exists. However, I didn't know that it extended it's services to

...sexual harassment, bullying by lecturers and threats from them.The notice to publish your work falls under the same category

There is the United Nations organ which caters to intellectual property- World Intellectual Property Organisation.

Now this is the beauty about this platform. I came here to help, and I was helped with new knowledge.

Thanks for the link. I will remember this.

Wow! Yes, steemit is beautiful. @surpassinggoogle of @steemgigs says -

Everyone has something to offer

I'm glad to be of help too. Thanks a lot!

The lack of confidence is the reason. Then there is a compulsion for the person. The man is forced to do such a thing. Keep running with time.

The lack of confidence is the reason

In steemit this may pass for a good reason, but I don't think lack of confidence is the reason why people plagiarize in the academia

Then there is a compulsion for the person.

I absolutely agree with compulsion . My parents (both of them) are retired lecturers/teachers in the university, so I know of the standing rule to publish a paper in a recognized peer-reviewed journal with good impact factor, at least every 3 years, failing which they will not be promoted to the next cadre. In fact, there is a popular slogan in the academia, publish or perish.

Parents never want to. That they put in this situation

I will advice you report the issue to higher authority.. Since is a medical field, I believe it will take more than one lecturer to have a veto-power over a student.
Big aunty, u can also read this material, it might be a bit helpful

Hmm...welcome, my brother @sbamsoneu! Certainly, I have reported the matter already to the vice dean (academics) of the Faculty of Medicine. Although, my mother always warns me never to report or complain about any lecturer to another. The students never wins, rather he is victimized at the end of the day. So, what I did was to tell the vice dean that I needed help.

Since is a medical field, I believe it will take more than one lecturer to have a veto-power over a student.

True, but these lecturers are all together, supporting one another, regardless of whether they are right or wrong. The student is just on his own. If he doesn't walk in wisdom, he loses out.
I really appreciate the link to the material that you sent me. Perusing the article, I saw

If the only means of accomplishing your goal is to take the infringer to court, are you honestly prepared to pay the cost of such an action?.

Believe it or not! My mentor asked me to take her to court. Imagine that! I discussed with a lawyer friend of mine here. She has told me a few things to do. Unfortunately, the legal system here is very slow. The process can take years to bring any initiated case to a logical conclusion. It is well.

I just read this, and i am overwhelmed that this kind of impunity exist, and moreso to an international student. It is really disgusting. If reporting might not make any progress, hmm, i might suggest that you consider some other options; starting again is not sweet as it is easy to write. Since she has the power to approve or disapprove your thesis. Also, you might need to try some mfm style for her o.

Oh sure! Such impunity does exist. Does she really care whether or not I am an internal student? If it mattered to he, by now, I would be have been doing something better with my life.

Yes, I am working on a plan B already. Hopefully, I will start working on a plan C.

starting again is not sweet as it is easy to write.

Hmm... you can say that again. I know how difficult it is for me to first do the literature search, read all of the papers (sometimes up to 50 ) in order to be able to select 35 -40 to work with. After all that work, then data collection, data analysis, to the write up proper of the work. If it was that easy, why are lecturers somehow compelled to publish a paper once in 3 years? After 2 years, a serious teacher should have an article ready for publication, since it usually takes about 1 year for it to get published after submission to the editor -in-chief of a journal.

Also, you might need to try some mfm style for her o.

Honestly, the mfm style is what I should really get down doing, besides other solutions. Thank you so much for everything, @turpsy. God bless.

I know how difficult it is for me to first do the literature search, read all of the papers (sometimes up to 50 ) in order to be able to select 35 -40 to work with.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I dont want to say more before i write epistle :)

since it usually takes about 1 year for it to get published after submission to the editor -in-chief of a journal.

It is well.

My best wishes are for you. Cheers.

Well. I don't know much about the academic world. Yet your professor would be risking a lot by doing that. It's your work and you obviously have proof that it is your work. If your professor were to do that you could seriously damage their reputation by putting a case against your professor. Not to mention the bad publicity that your school would receive. I think your best bet is to finish your paper as soon as possible.

Thanks for you thoughtful comment, @dreamingirwin. I think my professor doesn't care about the risks. If she did, she wouldn't threaten and then dare me to take her to court. Yes, the work is mine and have everything to prove that it's mine. All the papers I used in doing the writing, I still have all of them in tact. Let me tell you something. my mentor accused me falsely that someone was writing my article for me. Where on earth did she get that from? Ok let me expose her further. She wanted her assistant to write the introduction section of the article for me. At the end of the day, I wrote it myself. There is every likelihood that might be the reason why she accused me falsely. I didn't take that accusation likely, because IT'S FALSE. Politely, I told her that I wrote the article myself and have every evidence to prove that I own and wrote the article. Do you know words that spewed out of her mouth? Oh Mary, that was rude. What was rude in telling the truth? She continued to harp on the word evidence and dared me to take her to court. Just imagine!

Not to mention the bad publicity that your school would receive.

I will personally do the job of giving the school bad publicity, because I wouldn't just let my labor of 7 yrs go down the drain. They will be painted black!

Late last year, in my mentor's office, she told me that if I didn't submit the manuscript of my first original scientific article, after a couple of days, she would go ahead to publish it without including my name.

Gees! How bold in absurdity! Ma'am next time, while meeting her go with a tape and record your conversation with her. The world is seriously turning to something else. I think you should be very careful with this Professor. That's pure wickedness. Whatever happens, at any rate, Evidence would be important in case you would want to pursue disciplinary action. So try and get one, just in case. God be with you.


Intellectual theft is an insidious cankerworm that keeps threatening the academic universe.
Even here in Nigeria, You will see lecturers who compile students Term-Paper research works to their text books.

Just like my friend @gunneresq has said, you can tip off the appropriate authority, so they can fix their eyes on the Lecturer. Its really sad.

And most often, students are afraid of what other lecturers will do to them for reporting their colleague.

that's really shocking to read and looks like people have better answers to deal with this situation after going through the comments it make sense too anyways i hope this gets better and wishing all nigerians people a very happy independence day !!

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