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RE: Former Comet Ping Pong Employee Alleges: "James Alefantis sexually assaulted me"

in #pizzagate8 years ago

Well I am not sure how we are supposed to use this completely unverifiable information as researchers. I could go on Photoshop and fake those emails in about 1 hour of time, so they are not proof of anything without verification.

You say...

The theory, which has a plethora of circumstantial evidence, lacked one key factor: a victim.

That is not true, there is far more than circumstantial evidence. There is from my standpoint already enough evidence to indict people. You do not need a victim to come forward to prove a crime, especially if the vast majority of the victims are dead or missing or both. The financial transactions alone could land these people in jail for tax evasion, see Al Capone.

Lastly, you have not provided a "victim", you have provided an unverified anonymous source that is making claims no one can verify. I would love to cover this, and tell the world, we got Alefantis, here is the victim "X" who you have to be able to name, who is going to tell the world about the evils of Alefantis. Without the name of X we can't verify anything and the claims could be a hoax, therefore as a PizzaGate researcher I cannot just run with this, with no verification other than "AbortionBurger" that anonymous person using Reddit and Voat for awhile said so. Even if this is real, and it very well may be, I can't go with anything that is not verifiable.


If you would like to chat privately I can offer a little more validation.

Ok I'm gonna follow you on twitter, PM me when you see it. (I can't PM anyone who isn't following me)

You are already following her on twitter, and she is following you (you have been for days). It really isn't a good idea to be a pedophile child abuser, because the only shills you can hire when shit hits the fan are going to be completely incompetent

Okay well I'm not gonna dox the victim so I guess you don't have to share it.

Trust me or don't. I have absolutely nothing to hide.

Here's my FB profile:

This isn't about trust, this is about compiling evidence. I don't mean to come off as harsh, we are all on the same side here. I really want to cover this story you exposed. I just want to be sure that I am not spreading misinformation. I hope you understand. Thanks for the FB link, I have no reason to doubt you personally, I am just trying to verify the evidence you have provided.

As for "dox"ing the "victim", well the victim is the key eye witness and if they are an adult then there name will be released in any court. I think they deserve privacy 100% but just explain to the victim that their testimony is worthless unless they are willing to testify and put their name behind their words. It is ultimately their choice, but it would go a long, long way towards getting justice if they would be willing to back up their story by testifying by adding their name to it. Then we could verify the employment records, and far more. Just pass my comments along.

If there are other victims hopefully they will come forward. Lot's of people have heard your story and asked me to verify, so that's what I am doing verifying. Take care and thanks for the research.

I understand what you mean, however, I'm not about to break trust with the victim, who personally asked that his name not be used. He trusted me with his story and I'm not going to release his name.

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