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RE: Pizzagate Billboard Campaign - Make This A Reality

in #pizzagate7 years ago

It might also be because all the evidence is circumstantial and just leading. You have to have something substantial and not sensationalized to fit an agenda to get a true backing.

I always support what you do though brother! Keep fighting the good fight!


evidence of what though? human trafficking? yeah. But im not necessarily talking about human trafficking.

The only evidence we have is that our elites are talking in code about a particular subject, they are heavily involved with devil worship, and they have a primary sense of humor and interests about pedophilia. All we are saying is we want this looked into. The answer we got was the most censorship of a subject the world has ever seen. So while the general public believes we have "circumstantial evidence" of a child trafficking. In reality we have evidence that something very strange is happening amongst our elites and it needs further investigation. The MSM are the ones that have pushed this to a "hillary clinton runs an child trafficking ring in the basement of a pizza shop". nobody i repeat NOBODY believes this

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