Pizzagate Billboard Campaign - Make This A Reality

in #pizzagate7 years ago

Pizzagate is slowing down rapidly. Let me explain why.

The Pizzagate community has one thing on its mind, finding new evidence. I’d like to change our priority from turning over every rock to getting the information we do have out to the masses. We have enough evidence right now to red pill the entire nation. Think back to when you first heard about pizzagate. When you read the emails or when you saw the Instagram account. It was mind-blowing. Our core evidence that we already have is enough to spread like wildfire. In fact, it did spread like wildfire but then it was shut down. They used the tricks they had to pull our product off the shelf. After a certain date, if you learned about pizzagate it was from the MSM, talking about a debunked conspiracy theory that believes Hillary Clinton is running a trafficking ring out of the basement of a pizza shop. We know this isn’t true but the world doesn’t. The world believes that we believe this because it’s all they know about the subject. The MSM has completely controlled the narrative of pizzagate ever since Edgar Welch walked into Comet Ping Pong. It’s time we take back the narrative.

The Pizzagate Billboard Campaign is my plan to do that. The plan is divided into three phases.

Phase 1 : Collect funds – I am using the profits from to help fund this project. I have also set up a GoFund me here,

Phase 2 : Create the Red Pill – The billboards will be a simple clear message that can catch somebody’s attention going 50 mph. This message is not finalized yet. The Call to Action will be the website also displayed on the billboard. This website will be a professional and simple to follow explanation of the unbiased facts of pizzagate. Think again back to the core evidence, that’s what this will have. The general public will not sit down and read what we have read but they will be able to follow this. We will also include quality places to further their learning and keep up with pizzagate related news.

Phase 3 : Go Nationwide – We now take our website and our billboards and we go coast to coast.

Join me on this journey as we try to take pizzagate to the next level.


I love how you are campaigning to strengthen Pizzagate and spread awareness, but can you do a recap about what Pizzagate and how this make affect others?

You are always posting very interesting things on here

Good luck getting your message out there!! I truly hope it takes off.

I will definitely support you on your movement and I would love to hear more about pizzagate..

It's crazy to me how much this has taken off.

its crazy to all of us. I dont think anybody expected some leaked emails to lead us here

Is it possible to show pizzagate evidence on a billboard that someone can read going 50 mph? Maybe brochures could be printed? Posters?

evidence.... no. A website that details the main evidence in a professional and simple manner, yes.


It might also be because all the evidence is circumstantial and just leading. You have to have something substantial and not sensationalized to fit an agenda to get a true backing.

I always support what you do though brother! Keep fighting the good fight!

evidence of what though? human trafficking? yeah. But im not necessarily talking about human trafficking.

The only evidence we have is that our elites are talking in code about a particular subject, they are heavily involved with devil worship, and they have a primary sense of humor and interests about pedophilia. All we are saying is we want this looked into. The answer we got was the most censorship of a subject the world has ever seen. So while the general public believes we have "circumstantial evidence" of a child trafficking. In reality we have evidence that something very strange is happening amongst our elites and it needs further investigation. The MSM are the ones that have pushed this to a "hillary clinton runs an child trafficking ring in the basement of a pizza shop". nobody i repeat NOBODY believes this

Though it has earned its name as PIZZAGATE it could use a refocus and name change that better reflects the serious nature of the allegations. Otherwise you will continue to fight the bad press that has been drawn against it.

Since the billboard isn"t finalized, may i recommend simply a red pill in the palm of someone's hand with either a web address on the pill itself or somewhere else on the board.

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