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RE: An Invitation For An Open Discussion Relating To Secret Societies And Pizzagate

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

With all due respect -- you mean the word, "conscience," not "conscious," in your question, although I do believe one does indeed need to be conscious in order to have a conscience. My apologies for the correction, it is a common typographical error, but there is a difference in being conscious (awake, alert, aware) versus having a conscience ("with knowing" as in knowing right from wrong).

As to your question-- I do not have first-hand knowledge about secret societies, but many years ago I read a book about the occult and the forces of black magic as manifested by Adolph Hitler. The book is entitled "The Spear of Destiny" by Trevor Ravenscroft and it explains, among many, many, many, other things, the battle between holy and evil forces, angels and devils, white and black magic.

I read this book nearly 40 years ago, and it made both intellectual and intuitive sense to me then, and it most certainly does now. So in answering your question, I cannot help but to think of that book in formulating my answer:

I think so many high-level politicians and businessmen engage in these heinous and demonic acts because those acts are "short cuts" to power. Sure, at the lower levels, initiates may merely be blackmailed by their own lustful temptations, but at the higher levels of satanic practices, I am certain they are done in very specific and blasphemous ways--perverse ceremonies of that which is holy and true. In turn, they receive some kind of super-human power, maybe even literally drawing the "life blood" or the "soul energy" of their victims into themselves. And surely, virtually all religions that I am aware of teach about the spiritual nature, if not the God-given power, of sex.

It is my understanding then, that these "short cuts" to soul illumination through the black arts are the opposite and perverse directions of what was taught to the True Initiates of the Holy Grail, which was a much longer, self-denying path of penitence, atonement, humility, and service to God and humanity, which could take a lifetime, if not several, to attain. The highest attainment -or the Holy Grail- being sought after was a Christ Consciousness, an eternal soul illuminated by the Holy Spirit, and sanctified by God.

Simply put: I think the goal of these satanic bloodthirsty pedo power-seekers is NOT to be illuminated by the Holy Spirit in preparation for the afterlife, but to illuminated by the Prince of Darkness in the the pursuit of power, wealth, prestige and fulfillment of their carnal desires, in this temporal life.

But these things have been written about in ancient and sacred texts; they are not new. And alas, in many ways, Pizzagate and its current actors are merely old characters in a tragic old story. Perhaps our only Saving Grace is to Believe it's not fiction.

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12


Thank you very much for bringing that to my attention. I do know how to spell, but typos are still rather frequent for me. My problem is that my fingers tend to be a lot quicker than my mind at times.. I don't like to have mistakes in my work though, so my gratitude goes out to you for allowing me the opportunity to amend it before the post became permanent.

That was a very interesting message. Am I correct in saying that the spear of destiny is said to be the spear which was used to wound Jesus when he was on the cross? I think I have heard a long time ago that it is regarded as mystical artifact which grants power to he who possesses it. I think Julius Caesar may have been one of its owners and was murdered when it was no longer in his possession? My memory is hazy so you will have to verify that for me.

When it comes to religion, I don't ascribe to any particular doctrine. I would consider myself a monotheist if anything, as it's difficult to look at the perfection of nature and believe that it was the result of an accident. I do feel--more and more lately--that there is most certainly a force of evil in this world, but I don't think of it as a person in an organic form. Obviously I have no way of knowing, but I just get the impression that it is more of a dark energy than a living, walking being. This seems to fit with the beginning of the bible verse that you shared;
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood."

I also believe that there are those who worship this darkness, and this could be represented in the likes of Satanic cults and blood sacrifices. Not to go off topic, but I have studied a little history on the Jewish faith, and how they have been ejected from over 100 countries, often because they frequently sacrificed children. If you have a look at the Jewish population now, you will see that they're in MANY positions of power, all around the world, perhaps suggesting that there is some truth to your statement on the drawing of power from these acts.
I am not sold entirely, however. Though I have an open mind, and am not ruling out the possibility of legitimate magic.. I cannot say with any level of certainty that it is the case.

I know these types of rituals are going on, often with children being sacrificed. But, what I can't decide on.. Is whether these people have been tricked into believing the devil is real which leads them to commit these monstrous crimes, or whether they are genuinely extracting supernatural power from their despicable deeds.

Unfortunately, I don't think I will ever get to find out for sure, which is unfortunate, because I'm a very curious person.

Over the past year or so, I have found myself interested in reading the bible. The thing is, the knowledge that it has been perverted throughout time, with many changes being made- -even to the ten commandments--discourages me from bothering. I won't know what is original, and what is fabricated propaganda.

Yes, the spear's legend is that a Roman centurion named Longinus was ordered to pierce Christ's body as He hung on the cross. Longinus had been ordered to do so to dispel the crowd who waited and watched for Christ to come to life again, as had been prophesied. If I recall correctly, Longinus had been relegated to "crowd duty" at the site of the crucifixion because he had cataracts and was thus not an especially apt Roman soldier, at least as far as Roman soldiers went.

As I recall the tale, the crowd had hung around for several days and the Roman officials wanted the people to go away, so they figured if they ordered a soldier to pierce Christ's presumably-dead body, the crowd would see that the rabble-rouser named Jesus was indeed dead and go home --for blood and water will not flow forth from a long-dead body. (<<<I don't know if this is scientifically true or not, I am simply restating the legend as I learned it.)

Anyway, when Longinus followed the orders, he pierced Christ's rib cage with his spear, and blood and water flowed forth from the body, proving to the crowd the fulfillment of the prophecy of Jesus' immortality. Longinus was immediately remorseful, pulled the spear out of Christ's body, and fell to his knees in tears, whereupon his cataracts were miraculously healed and he was simultaneously converted as a Follower of Christ.

The legend, then, as I learned it, is that whomsoever has possession of Longinus' spear holds the destiny of the world in his hands, for good or for evil.

As told in The Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft, Adolph Hitler became obsessed with possessing the spear in a visit to a museum in Vienna while still an unknown shiftless young man. Hitler also believed himself to be the reincarnation of Medieval ruler named Barbarossa, about whom I remember little, except to wonder whether in some way the word, "barbaric" might be derived from his name, or visa versa.

But there are a number of variations to this legend, and there are other ancient spears around the world whose possessors claim it to be authentic. Likewise, there remains as much conjecture about the veracity of various authors' claims to have "found" The True One as there is speculation as to how indeed they came unto their claims. To that end, here are two links you may find interesting:

I should also add that I honestly do not recall the part you mentioned about Julius Caesar, except to say that it does ring a vague bell in the back of mind, and would make sense in light of the time period.

In regard to religion and the bible, my personal reconciliation with the dilemma you describe -- in trying to determine what is original versus what is fabricated propaganda -- is to have come to acceptance in knowing that all things recorded/written by mere human beings are subject to a multitude of biases, censors, poetic license, hyperbole, memory lapses, covert as well overt agendas, not to mention editorial boards and political agendas which historically decide what the masses should be led to believe, what information we should be allowed to know.

But my very wise mother taught me that in every rumor there is a thread of truth; sometimes that thread is thicker in parts than in others, but that in following the thread, however thin, one will find truth, and the truth shall set us free.

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