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RE: Is James Alefantis a fan of Michael Alig, proud murderer & ''born chicken hawk''?

in #pizzagate8 years ago

He's probably a murderer, and I don't care what his sexual preferences are.

Watch the movie Party Monster if you want to see Macaulay Caulkin from Home Alone play this Alig guy.


Poor Macaulay Culkin. We have some idea now of what he went through.

I have a hard time believing this Macaulay Culkin-Alig connection is a coincidence since the pizza, underground, abuse & pedo symbols/themes have already been pointed out as revolving around the Home Alone icon's life.


You'll always notice a pattern if you're looking for one. Its what human brains do best

Of course, that is why I don't take statistics too seriously. In specific contexts, you can often make numbers say what you want them to say. Watch Stefan Molyneux on a regular basis, this guy ticks to truth through numbers he all never did compiled himself anyway.

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