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RE: Elon Musk's Global Internet = Global Chaos, According to the Media Hype on PizzaGate and FakeNews

in #pizzagate8 years ago

What I find so remarkable about the whole Fake News/MSM dynamic is rather than face the fact that they got caught lying, they (MSM) launch a smear campaign against "Truthers" instead of just quitting telling lies. I may not be that bright, but when your narrative is proven false and your livelihood depends on credibility, it just might be time to start telling the truth. Also, if we spread "fake news" why do they call us truthers? We are the Fake News Truthers (has a nice ring, No?)


[...] and your livelihood depends on credibility [...]

That's the issue, though. The MSM's customers aren't the people. The MSM's customers are the political elite. Thus their livelihood depends on deceiving the people for the political elite. A business will always serve its customers, and its customers are the people who pay it. How foolish it was to give the government access to a printing press of money which operates without transparency, accountability, or limits. So foolish, in fact, that the constitution explicitly forbade it, forcing the creation of the Federal Reserve System to circumvent the constitution.

The FRS created a loophole, which is that it allows anyone to print new dollars for any reason (every swipe of a credit card prints new dollars to pay the bill, rather than borrowing pre-existing ones), including the government. The deal is that the principle need never be paid back (and mathematically cannot be paid back, as the debt exceeds the total sum of all dollars in existence, and did from the moment it was first created) so long as the interest payments (aka the federal income tax) keep rolling into the Fed's pockets.

Technically, the average joe gets the same deal, but he doesn't get to sic the IRS on the public forcing them to make his minimum payments for him; only the government gets to do that. Oh, and average joe has credit limits, which don't get raised unless he demonstrates fiscal responsibility. The government, on the other hand, has debt ceilings which get raised because the government demonstrates fiscal irresponsibility.

Very well put! I wrote an article about the Frd a few days ago (A Bankster's Wet Dream) Upvoted and followed!

Thanks, I'll check it out! :)

Not understanding why the MSM are doubling down on their lies has nothing to do with not being bright. The pathological lying behavior will always seem like a mystery to the average honest person because of the fact that compulsive liars operate from a different mind frame than you and me do. The reflex to produce new lies to hide old lies results in a continuous stacking of falsehood piling up on top of each other. This ultimately creates a bubble which will burst when dishonesty reaches a point of saturation. It happens when the overabundance of contradictions can, in all logic, only lead to the conclusion of revealing the liar for what he/she is. Any person paying attention to the media in general and thinking for themselves are seeing the cracks in the MSM deception bubble, but all others will realize the fabrications, innacuracies & misrepresentations only when it will pop in their face. I was thinking about writing about, but in a nutshell, that's about it.

You should write about it. The more info out there, the more people will understand. maybe you'll provide a perspective somebody might not have thought about! One other thing...I've noticed that most pathological liars are very intelligent people- not very smart, but intelligent!

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