WARNING: undergroundnewsreport.com spreading dangerous & false informationsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #pizzagate7 years ago (edited)

A recent Steemit article as well as a recent Voat thread have brought to my attention that the website undergroundnewsreport.com is spreading dangerous and false information to unsuspecting readers and Pizzagate researchers.

When I looked into the Steemit article's alleged email myself, I could not locate the email in question, which I might add is curiously taken from a photo of a computer screen and not linked from the email itself. Try a search query on WikiLeaks to see what I mean about it not existing.

Fake article

undergroundnewsreport's article on this fake email can be found here, and the alleged "email" seen above, but again, be very careful!

Judging from the appearance of the WikiLeaks page I would also say this is almost certainly fraudulent as that is not the true WikiLeaks site being displayed.



I also found this highly suspicious.

Thanks for posting this... I haven't had time to check wikileaks myself the past few days and when I saw this previously I believed it. Case in point, always do your own research!

That "email" got me all excited until I recognized the WikiLeaks site looking funky and read the Voat post. You just can't be too careful these days I guess.

If you want to stay in touch with when WikiLeaks has releases you can double-check their Twitter and Julian's now that he's back online.

yes and as this very recent screenshot I just took of the wikileaks site, there is nothing newer than the French election data...

Made sure to include date and time for posterity

Great catch @rebelskum!

There's no evidence that Hillary ever directly addressed Obama in an email with "Dear Barack" or signed off with "Thanks, Hillary".

Seems pretty obvious this is a fake when you read over it again.

Plus you'll notice Ben Affleck is included in the recipients too :P Nice try disinformation machine

Hahaha I actual did notice that...total shit-post.

Glad you caught onto that quickly, I hadn't seen the posts yet.

The WikiLeaks one seems new to Steemit, and I only happened upon it by going to "new" posts under "pizzagate". Just glad this chicanery was called out on the Blockchain in time.

I think we should expect an increase in these types of disinfo pieces from here on out. Keep a sharp eye out.

This is what is meant by the phrase "Eyeballs on it."
It's important to open source. If a source can't be cited, it must be dismissed.
When referencing Wikileaks and Tweets, best practices suggest use the Source Link to Wikileaks or Twitter and not just a screenshot. Great catch on this obvious disinfo piece.

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