
Hey dude glad we got smart Canadians like you who are redpilled.


We should get more redpill canucks to BTFO Frank Guistra online.

Interesting... Frank Guistra is definitely a shady figure. And hopefully more Canucks wake up!

Thanks for this! If I still had young children I might try to wear some “pedo” jewelry (after consulting with an attorney) to do the following:

  1. Encourage awareness - especially if people ask about the uniqueness of the design.
  2. Perhaps find out who the pedos are around myself and family... the pedo would likely ask about the jewelry trying to find out my level of “involvement” thus outing themselves. You’d kind of have to go with your intuition though. As in are they interested because they ARE a pedo or just curious about the design.
    An alternative would be to wear the “art” but have a line drawn through it like / or an X to denote that you’re against such evil behavior. That way you’d still have a conversation starter but also warn those potential perverts around you that you’re aware of their existence!

That's a great idea! Maybe even record some conversations to report to the police too.

In #PizzaGate Part 12 I show how the FBI Pedo Logos are widely accepted and used by Law Enforcement in criminal investigations…

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We gotta dig this document, who put the symbol on it and who ok'ed it. We can't let this slide if we can figure out more we could make it a political charged attack on not only the libtards but the organized pedo networks and their globalist masters.

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